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14-01-09, 20:29
You know they say anxiety, no matter what form it comes in, is harder to treat than depression....and I would say that is damn accurate.....all you do is question the action and thoughts of yourself and others...u see depression can lift for many if the cause of the depression ceases...ie u learn to cope with the event that made u depressed....for others the depression that is there when things are going well, ie clinical, and anxiety, tend to sit there forever.....i have been on various levels of paroxetine for social anxiety for 9 years..,,over this course of time I have learned that my condition, as well as depression, is generally caused by an uneven flow of endorphins in my head....endorphins dictate mood, and the serotin endorphin levels in a normal person is a constant flow, where mine is up and down, generally down.....hence my edginess....I have found that my meds boosts my serotonin levels thus makin me feel less anxious....however.....other natural things boost my mood and lift symptoms....

1....exercise, I feel fookin awesome just after exercise, natural high
2. eat breakfast, for some reason I am in a better state if I eat break.
3. If I go to bed before 11pm and sleep I feel better...fatigue is the ultimate anxiety bringer.
4. Being as open as possible about my illness...

There are other things...tune in next time for more..:ohmy:

15-01-09, 12:21
Hi, yes I find all the things you have listed works for me as well! Also a warm bath is good and sometimes just doing nothing can help.