View Full Version : Ist Counselling Session - muzzy head

06-07-05, 12:08
Hi guys

Sorry to waffle on again but I was wondering if the feelings I am having are normal after a counselling session? I had my first session ever last night. I think I worked my way through half a box of tissues in the process. When I came home before I went to sleep I must have then cried for an other half hour.

I went into the session without a headche and came out with one. Pounding on one side, I thought that it was the off load of emotions etc. I have woken this morning with a very muzzy and dizzy head. I am feeling quite dizzy and nauseaus (haven't felt that before). My head is spinning with all kind of jumbled mixed up thoughts from the session that I feel I can't think straight. When I was outside hanging the washing out I felt very confused and disorientatated. A bit like my body was going through the motions but my head/mind wasn't with me. At the moment this is scaring me a little bit.

I think after I have tried cleaning that I may have a listen to my relaxation cd.

I just want to get my head straight. Any ideas?


06-07-05, 12:14
Hi Nikki,
whenever i had counselling sessions it always used to leave me feeling really strange and out of it , i think it was because the sessions used to bring stuff out of me and thoughts that i didnt know were there. afterwards and still now i will kind of go into myself and think about the stuff but part of my brain would carry on what i was doing and then you kind of snap out of it and it does leave you feeling a little disorientated,weird though:D counselling does help a lot though for most people.
hope i have helped or at least made sense,ha ha
mel xx


existential crisis
06-07-05, 12:24
whenever I get the feeling that you just described, nikki, its usually the result of just thinking too much about thinking (if that makes sense). Its understandable that a counselling session would take it out of you, it's really tiring to talk about your emotions truthfully. Putting on some comfy old clothes that you can lounge about it, making a warm drink and then putting a favourite DVD or the TV whilst having a lie down always makes me feel relaxed and a bit more connected to reality! x

*I think, therefore I am.*

06-07-05, 13:00
Thanx for the support guys.

Your right Melanie last night everything just came out. We talked about stuff that was hidden and that I had forgotten about, that I thought had no relevance. Didn't talk about my anxiety though which surprised me. I feel very emotional today. Feel like I could cry at everything, even when they announced London was going to host the 2012 games. Think I am probably tired from yesterdays session and my subconscious is thinking about it too much, trying to make sense of it all.

Thanx existential crisis I have my comfy pants on at the mo because I am cleaning. (Weird but makes me feel better) Am going to lie down later and listen to a relaxation cd and also try the techniques from the link fron Nic about the conference she attended. By tonight hopefully I will be calm again.



06-07-05, 13:50
im glad youre feeling better, counselling had the same effect on me, i used to have it every monday and id be useless for the whole day! i used to drive around singing along to songs and crying on my own in the car! You just feel all worn out like youve run a marathon, a mental marathon, it takes a while to get back to normal, especially if its been your first session, it gets easier the more times you go. Cleaning is good, it keeps your body active and you can let your mind wander, very theraputic well done, if your worried about how you feel after a session speak to your counsellor about it and they will reassure you that everyone feels like that, its part of the process and it gets better.
good luck and keep it up!

06-07-05, 14:01
Hi Nikki,
Well done on your first councelling session, the more you do the easier they get. What you felt afterwards was pretty normal, it is down to all the stress and tension that arises from talking about things that you have hidden away, plus its normal to cry it helps to release all the emotions that you have built up inside, a good cry never hurt anyone hun. Keeping busy really does help it takes your mind off of things.
Take care,

06-07-05, 23:59
Don't concern yourself too much over the feelings you are experiencing. Believe me when I say that I had my final one to one session last night after weekly ones since November 04: I left the session with a migraine and feeling absolutely shattered.

The first session is a very emotional time because it is your opportunity to open up and release all that has built up over a long period of time with some-one who can instantly respond to what you are saying.

Secondly, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between the effect the counselling session is having and the effect medication is having.
Is it early days on some sort of medication ?

One to one counselling sessions are by their nature emotional times. As I said, this was still the case for me 7 or 8 months down the line.

Using lots of tissues is also perfectly normal and if you ask me it shows that you are perfectly normal also.

You have said nothing that I would consider to be a problem. Just focus on what you would like to get out of future sessions and try not to analyse your reactions after past sessions.

It will take a few sessions to make real progress with your counsellor...hang in there and think to the future..try not to spend too much time analysing the past.

Just think of every day now as another day on your road to recovery,

All the best,