View Full Version : Who does this?

14-01-09, 23:53
Ok honestly I don't know if this is anything but I figured I would ask. I am very embarrassed about this but this really upsets me alot. I can't stop thinking about it daily, I have to look and examine every SINGLE DAY!!

I have a blackberry, I love my blackberry. It has to be free of stratches, even my camera. Stratch free. Honestly if I get a stratch on it I obsess over it like a mad woman. I rub it and rub it and I looked over it daily. Even the tiny stratch I get upset, tense and I panic.

I can't have any stratches. Not on the body, or the screen or anything. It must be covered and put away if I am not using it, I don't like anyone else touching it because if they do, they will get stratches on it.

I think I am worn myself out already. But that plays in my head daily.

Does anyone else do this?!!!:shrug:

I do this with writing too. If it doesn't sound right. I delete it. If it's not typed properly I correct it. I can't have it being done wrong. If put too long or too short. I add or take away from it. I anaylize EVERY SINGLE word. How would I take that if someone posted that to me? I reread it constantly and if I am satified (see I know that is the wrong spelling, I know I have spelled aniexty wrong and it's going to bug the hell out of me until I get a dictionary and find the correct speeling for it.

anxiety satisfied ...

So..anyone else?

15-01-09, 11:21
I have a similar type of thing all my lights switches have to be in the same direction. My hall light and landing light have to have the swiches a certain way hubby always tries to mess them up, tutz at him i wont rest easy unless i know that they are how i like them. My son even knows and will tell people not to mess up the pattern up. Your not alone on this hun :bighug1:

15-01-09, 12:59
I am the same with my Ipod, but sadly I did not buy a cover for it. This morning I dropped it on the kitchen floor, which is tiled. It now has a dented corner and I am beside myself, I am so angry that I was so careless. Will stew about it forever now.

I get obsessions about stains on clothes, upholstery and all sorts, it's all so exhausting sometimes.

15-01-09, 15:28
you've put this in wrong place this is symtoms lol unless u felt best it ws here anyway aslong as my healths ok ,material things doesnt matter to me!!! but we are all different and ocd and anxiety can take hold and control you ,
best wishes C.xxx
try not to worry xxx

15-01-09, 16:17
I kind of figured it was at the wrong place..maybe the mods can move it. Sigh.

Even the cubbards, if they are opened I get so irriated. I close them, Hubby knows this so sometimes he opens them all up and I don't think it's the least bit funny. I have to close them all again.

I guess I should have posted it elsewhere...grr.