View Full Version : Heart???

15-01-09, 04:15
Sorry to dwell on my heart but i can't think of much else, but i have a question,,,If one was gonna have a heart attack how long would the pain last before you actually die from it? My husband says if i was having a heart attack it woulda happened by now, he says it doesn't go on for 3 or 4 days and it doesn't get less intense, he says if anything it would get worse, is that true? I always think my hubby will say absolutely anything to get me to shut up and stop complaining. I've been trying to distract my mind and stay busy so i didn't think about the chest pain and tightness but its not working,,,i keep thinking "tonights the night that i'm not gonna make it through the night".:weep: I always feel its gonna happen at night, i'm not sure why:wacko:

15-01-09, 04:37
Sorry to dwell on my heart but i can't think of much else, but i have a question,,,If one was gonna have a heart attack how long would the pain last before you actually die from it? My husband says if i was having a heart attack it woulda happened by now, he says it doesn't go on for 3 or 4 days and it doesn't get less intense, he says if anything it would get worse, is that true? I always think my hubby will say absolutely anything to get me to shut up and stop complaining. I've been trying to distract my mind and stay busy so i didn't think about the chest pain and tightness but its not working,,,i keep thinking "tonights the night that i'm not gonna make it through the night".:weep: I always feel its gonna happen at night, i'm not sure why:wacko:

I get the least twinge in my chest and I freak out so I know how you feel. Just about an hour ago I felt something like a little stick in my left breast and I panicked a little. It seems to do this in the same spot always so I figure I must have heart blockage. I took a tums and it seemed to go away. And for me the nights are always scary, I don't know why. Have you had any tests done for this? Heart moniter, ekg, etc? I am currently wearing a moniter for 2 weeks. I'm praying its ok. Just want to let you know you're not alone.


15-01-09, 11:03
my bfs the same.. he says anything he can to carlm me down. does work sometimes but im stil convinced theres something wrong! best thing to do is go to your doctors mainly or peice of mind. but chest pain should never be ignored
jo x

16-01-09, 18:21
A heart attack wouldn't last an hour before you died, if you did die. - It would actually be alot less than an hour - I've just used an hour as an example because you KNOW there is NO WAY at all after an hour you would not be dead.

Your husband is right by saying it would have happened by now, it couldn't go on 3-4 days at all, you'd DEFINATLEY be dead if you were having a heart attack for more than a few hours.

And yes, it would get worse, because your heart wouldn't be getting enough blood and wouldn't be able to cope.

You are definatley, definatley not having a heart attack [: Calm down and try not to worry. I know what you mean about the night thing though - Mine only really bothers me at night.

16-01-09, 20:30
Why don't you pop in to see your doctor today, panic? Or at least make an appointment. Can you talk to your doctor on the phone, describe your symptoms? Whatever is happening, it is clearly very unpleasant for you. You can't get a diagnosis from an internet forum. If it is anxiety, your doctor will know and will be able to reassure you and perhaps give you some techniques to help with the panic attacks and/or some anti-anxiety medication to take (if you can bring yourself to take them!).

I really don't think that you are having a heart attack but I'm not a doctor. Some heart problems can go on for more than one day - not that that should scare you in any way! It's just a fact. That doesn't make it any more likely that you are having heart problems. My point is that you don't know, we don't know. You need to see a health professional for diagnosis, reassurance and for help in dealing with your anxiety.