View Full Version : waking up gasping for breath?

15-01-09, 09:35
I am 34 weeks pregnant well all in all last night didnt go well http://www.babyandbump.com/images/smilies/cry.gif
I was in pain from my back , the hot water bottle helped a little but it still ached all across the top of my back along my ribs. and then in the middle of the night I woke up gasping for breath feeling like i couldnt breathe at all. I felt dizzy etc and it took about 10 mins to pass. Now I still feel a little breathless but ok.

has anyone else had this? could it be a panic attack or something?
I did think of just giving the midwife a call today but her phone is switched off so i would have to call the hosptial which seems like an overreaction since I was just there on tuesday for my 34 weeks appointment!

does it sound like panic related or pregnancy related. I would hate to make a fuss about something that is just my mind playing tricks


Hope 2
15-01-09, 10:48
Hey Sophie

Like you said, it could be either.

Have to say though, as baby becomes bigger, I think it is not unheard of for mum to find it harder to breathe, sometimes. There is less room inside of you for your lungs to expand as much. Maybe this can be made worse due to being laid down.

Hope things have settled.
I was the same, terrified of asking for help, it's mad/frustrating isn't it.
They are there to help, please phone if you are worried.


15-01-09, 10:57
Yes I remember that I found it a bit difficult to breathe in the last few weeks of pregnancy because the baby squashes your lungs. In a few weeks though the baby moves down again getting ready to be born and you should feel some relief then.:hugs: