View Full Version : Cold Shivers

15-01-09, 10:42
Hi Can anyone tell me whats happening to me.

I keeps getting cold shivers. I can be really warm then all of sudden go really cold with goose bumps, hair on head all prikerly, some times not all my body that goes cold, some times its like some one has touched me.

i have been told by a few people that i need to speak to the doctor that i might have something wrong with me.

i belive in spirts and both my parents are dead and have been for quite a few years now as is my brother but i dont think it is this

I can be in bed all snug and toasty warm then go really cold .


16-01-09, 22:27

I don't have an explanation for it but I've experienced it a few times. And I must also say I've experienced it before I had anxiety too. If it will put your mind at rest then by all means visit your GP but to be honest I don't think it is anything to be concerned about. As far as I know just a change in emotion can do this to us. But as I say if it is a worry then best consult someone to give you peace of mind. I'm sure though it is something alot of people on here can relate to.

All the best


16-01-09, 23:52

I have had this to. It only happens to me when im particulary anxious

love mandie x

17-01-09, 14:10
I have had this happen as well, It was when I was very stressed. I would get the chills and feel like i was cold as ice. I think it has something to do with adrenlin.


17-01-09, 14:18
hi i get this too . when i really anx (in a queue ect) i got red hot . then bit later i go so cold i shake ! i think it just a symptom of anx . try not to worry