View Full Version : Very worried!

Purple Fish
15-01-09, 11:05

Well.....I`ve been to the doctors and in a way I wish I hadn`t! I reeled off all my symptoms and she has told me to stop taking the Norethisterone straight as away as it doesn`t seem to be helping me. And I`m to take the Prozac in the two weeks leading up to my period.
I`m having a blood test tomorrow to see if I have an over active thyroid because of my night sweats :shrug: and she has reffered me to the hopital to test me for carpal tunnel syndrome due to the pins and needles in my fingers.
I am not feeling good about all this and I`m in two minds to cancel. All this has made me feel worse and I came out of there nearly in tears.
On my blood test envelope it says under Biochemistry - TFT, FSH & LH anyone knows what this means? The electrolytes and liver boxes have been ticked too! What does this mean?? HELP :ohmy:

I`m so worried!!

Tanya xx

15-01-09, 11:26
They probablywant to do a full blood screen to rule out anything you maybe worrying over. I don't know what the codes mean. Don't cancel your appointment as it may help put your mind at rest. I hope that things work out ok take care hun :hugs:

15-01-09, 11:35
don't cancel your appointment it would be better to find out if there is anything wrong and i'm sure they will be able to treat any problems. if you dont have the test done your going to be worrying more with what if's than actually knowing. a thyroid test is a good idea as the symptoms of an over active thyroid can be very similar to those of anxiety. Good luck with the test.

15-01-09, 20:01
If I'm not mistaken, I believe that the TFT, FSH and LH have to do with your thyroid/hormones. Since they are testing you for thyroid problems (which here in the US is a routine procedure with your yearly physical), they will also check your liver function. Apparently thyroid function can affect your liver, so they are just covering all of their bases to make sure that you're getting a thorough evaluaion. The electrolyte test is to simply see if you are dehydrated. Quite often, people who suffer from anxiety also suffer from dehydration, which makes symptoms a lot worse.

So please don't cancel your appointment!! You may just get the information that you have been looking for!

15-01-09, 20:11
Hugs hun, go to your appointment you may just have the words you need to hear to put all of this to rest.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Thinking of you. Hugs.

Duckie xx:blush:

16-01-09, 09:48

Don't worry I've had blood test before and all those things were checked. It's good that they are doing this. it#ll rule out anything physical. These things check for thyroid, liver function, diabeties, etc. They always check these when you have anxiety symptoms. Why don't you ask the nurse when you have test done. Honestly dont worry. Even if something does show it will be a very treatable thing, they are just doing routine bloods. Nothing surprising there.

Purple Fish
17-01-09, 14:44
Hi Everyone!:smile:

Thanks for your support and replies. After a lot of thought and reading the lovely replies I have had I decided to make an appointment to go and see my normal doctor, just to see what he would say about the tests I`d been advised to have! I spoke to my husband also and he said he thinks I blow things out of proportion and I worry too much, which is what us anxiety sufferers do!!:scared11:
Anyway I saw my doctor yesterday morning and he was surprised when he read my notes on his screen that I had been to see another doctor the day before! He tested me for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome there and then and said that I do not have it! Phew! Also he said he didn`t think I needed a blood test for anything and in fact the thought of me having to have these tests had obviously made my anxiety worse!:scared10:
I have got to go back and see him in two weeks and I am to keep taking my medication in the way he has told me to because he thinks I am doing very well. Just the fact that I did realise the next day that I had gone over the top with worry over waking up with pins and needles a couple of times in the night instead of thinking well I must have just laid on my hand!
I will beat this! Panic creeps up on you from nowhere and I didn`t realise I had had an anxiety/panic attack until I began to calm down and see sense!
It doesn`t help just starting my period and I know that everything including my anxiety symptoms are worse during that time! :mad:
Oh well, fingers crossed in getting on with my life and to slapping anxiety straight in the face!!!

Tanya xx:flowers: