View Full Version : Blood pressure

15-01-09, 11:39
Just thought i would pop this in for the people who worry about there blood pressure, as i do, drives me silly some times. This semmed to help me some and stop me from overreacting when mine is high.

Hope it works as ive copied and pasted, if not sorry ignore this post lol :blush:


If blood presure is always high when tested and anxiety is a condition you have suffered from is there any other test to determinewhether blood pressure measurement is accurate? Also what are the

side effects of drug treatment of high blood presure?


Your blood pressure rises and falls naturally throughout the day, and

can be

affected by stress, anxiety, exertion, alcohol and food intake, amongst

other things. It is quite possible, as you imply in your question, that


anxiety is one of the underlying reasons for your high blood pressure. Doctors on the whole are aware of this and have even dubbed the condition "white coat syndrome" due to the anxiety provoking (and thus blood pressure raising) effect which the doctors themselves have on some people.


High blood pressure is therefore never diagnosed on just one or even a


readings. To confer a diagnosis of high blood pressure, persistently

elevated readings has to be recorded at different times of the day, on

different days and in different circumstances. The blood pressure tends


be lower in the evening for example, than it is in the morning and


exercise. But you mention that your blood pressure is always high. Whatever the cause, it may need to be treated because <a href=&#34;../diseases/facts/hypertension.htm&#34;>high blood pressure</a> increases your risk of damage to the blood vessels, heart and kidneys.



like to investigate the possibilty of buying a do-it-yourself


blood pressure machine, which you can obtain from high street chemists,


which are accurate and eminently portable. If you confirm persistently


blood pressure readings, you should be treated.

Initial tests from your doctor should include analysis of your urine

and a

blood test for kidney function, glucose level, blood fats and


(minerals in the blood). An electrocardiogram would also be useful as


additional assessment of any organ damage.

If all tests are normal, and

there is no underlying cause of your blood pressure, a beta-blocker

type of

medication would be ideal for you in view of your anxiety. A


such as <a href=&#34;../medicines/showpreparation.asp?id=2177&#34;>propranolol</a> is effective in reducing blood pressure and at the


time would reduce any physical manifestations of anxiety such as sweaty

palms, nausea, fast pulse and palpitations without causing sedation and

tiredness like other forms of treatment for anxiety.

Other types of anti-hypertensive treatments include diuretics, ACE

inhibitors such as <a href=&#34;../medicines/showpreparation.asp?id=452&#34;>captopril</a> and others which you should discuss in some detail with your


doctor before making any choice about any on-going therapy.

Finally, don't let your high blood pressure become another cause of


for you. It is eminently treatable and after a conversation with your


doctor you may find that some lifestyle changes alone might do the


without recourse to therapy at all.

Yours sincerely

Dr Hilary Jones


15-01-09, 12:02
Thanks for this. I take anti-hypertensives, but am always ill with anxiety for up to two days before I go for a reading! I try telling myself that it will be what it is and that worrying can only make it worse....I know all this but still struggle. The nurse has suggested a home blood pressure kit, but I worry that I will be taking it all the time if I get one high reading so have not gone for that as yet. Thanks again for sharing.

15-01-09, 12:18
Good piece of advice. Plus I really like Dr Hilary Jones (if he's who I think he is, appears on GMTV quite a lot?).

15-01-09, 12:18
your welcome,

I have a home machine and its a life safer for me, because mine is through the roof when i go docs, so i take mine regular a few days before i go, so he can see its only up because im so nervous.

And also i get more use to the machine and dont fear it as much.

But i do understand it can make some people worse

15-01-09, 12:19
Toffee apple,

Im not sure if he is off gmtv, i just got it off the net, his website