View Full Version : Need help people........

06-07-05, 14:58
Hi all,

Well i'll get straight to the point. Does anyone know where i can go to talk to someone as my mentor and i have stopped seeing eachother! :(
I really need to get loads of things out of my head coz if i don't my head is going to explode!!!

Although talking to Kimmy has helped :D But i can't seem to open up about my feelings and now that i'm alone i fear that i will start harming myself again and even worse end up dead [xx(]

Me and Austin broke up if i didn't already tell you. [V] The evil git did it on sat when we were out celebrating for my birthday we had a huge fall out and lets just say i was sat at home on the front with my neighbours eating a Chicken Fried Rice by 9pm! :([V]

He didn't even come round the day after to say Happy Birthday to me and it took till i sent him 5 txt's to even wish me a Happy Birthday. So i'm now all alone and i feel like all i wanna do is die! [V][V] Why does this always happen to me? Why can't i just have a normal life and be happy and be with someone who loves me as much as i do them!!!

Sorry that this is so depressing.

I think i put this in the wrong part of the site! Sorry x

Kitty [:X]

06-07-05, 15:22
Hi Kitty

Sorry to hear you feel so low :(.
I know how it feels to be lonely after being heartbroken.. I have had same experiences a few years ago and I thought too that I would never find happiness.
But things change, please believe in that.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Why can't i just have a normal life and be happy and be with someone who loves me as much as i do them!!!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

You WILL one day.

Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

06-07-05, 16:50
Hi Kitty,
I have just had the same thing happen to me, myself and my partner split up a few weeks ago and i was saying exactly the same as you, why cant i just find someone who loves me as much as i love them, it is hard, but you will be fine. He obviously wasnt mr.right and you will find someone who loves you and appreciates you for who you are one day. It will happen when you least expect it. Enjoy your freedom while you are waiting, have fun with friends and family and put yourself first.
Take care,

06-07-05, 19:56
hi Kitty,

Why don't you join us in the chatroom? You can always have a nice chat there..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal