View Full Version : head problems

15-01-09, 15:01
Hi all
Ive been dealing with anxiety for 5 months badly now. As many of us have all done I have seen the doctor many times, had many tests and all fine. BUT...
My head is the only thing I am struggling to deal with. I suffer from tension head aches, dizziness, funny vision. I get tingly feelings in my head too.
Is this familiar to anyone?
Choco x

15-01-09, 15:47
I get a lot of tension headaches too it's quite familar with anxiety sufferers as i found out today.
They should hopefully ease soon.
Take care hun xx

15-01-09, 15:49
Have you been off of work with this at all?

I have been signed off work for 2 weeks now with stress and anxiety - i don't get headaches as such i get a shooting pain up my neck in to the bottom of my head! I get pins and needles sometimes in my arms.

C x

15-01-09, 21:06
oh my god i get tingly feelings in my head to one only one side i hate it and think i have something really bad, i find only thing that gets rid of it is a glass of wine which is not the thing to do!!

15-01-09, 22:49
i too suffer with funny heads and dizzy and vision problems and heavy dull heads,my dr kept telling me it was anxiety and i kept putting it off as i have fear of meds but i want rid of all this so a week ago i went on anti-dep so am just going to persevere even though im anxiety every day because i start to think things once i have swallowed the tablet.we will get there im sure,x

16-01-09, 21:25

Yes, I get tensions headaches, I have alot of tension in my neck & shoulders. I am sure this is the cause. It sometimes feels like my head is in a vice. You are not alone.


17-01-09, 00:25
I get wierd feelings in my head too almost like a flutter on one side and tension heachaches 2-3 times a week and when they come not even excedrin for tension heachaches makes it go away I just have to lay down and rest and I cannot stand to be bothered it seems like every little thing irritate me at that time. For tension the pain is on one side (right side)normally on the side that I get the fluttering feelings in my head and my right eye hurts

17-01-09, 08:04
Hi I am suffering at the moment with funny heads and headaches and it is frightening me can anyone help me with this.
It is keeping me awake at night worrying is there is anything wrong with me.
