View Full Version : Stressed out, spaced out feeling

15-01-09, 23:08
Hey, have been stressing out 2nite really bad :weep: i'm getting that horrible spaced out feeling, that i'm kinda not in this world!! the most i focus on it the worse it gets, not really dizzy as such but a bit light headed, spaced out is the best way to describe it really. I hate it!! it worries me so much :weep: :weep:

15-01-09, 23:21
I'm here deary.


15-01-09, 23:31
Thanks hunny, feel s**t : (

15-01-09, 23:34
corry to hear you feel like that x i am going through something similar like im not part of anything,like a dream except i would of called it a bl***y nitemare! i have had some good advice from a couple of the members and its comforting to know someone is suffering the same and that your not going mad(thats how i feel when its there)we will get there soon x

15-01-09, 23:34
The back of my neck is throbbing and feels kinda hot!! is that muscular tension?

15-01-09, 23:55
Yes it is!

I have felt that too.

16-01-09, 00:02
Its comforting to know i'm not alone, just scares the hell out of me thats all. The bodily sensations kinda take over, this freaks me out!!!

16-01-09, 00:04
Yeah I understand, sometimes I just want to make it stop but I don't know how. I get to the point of tears.


16-01-09, 00:07
Yes i know that feeling all to well. The weirdest thing is that it happens sometimes when i least expect it, or when i'm not that anxious!!! figure that one out!!

16-01-09, 00:10
Exactly if I am all nice and quiet and ready to watch a movie and then BOOM! Out of no where it hits me. I am like why now? I get so scared to even sit down and watch a movie. Like I remember when I was little I used to listen to this favourite singer and I would get the beating so bad, like out of my chest, and I can't breathe so I stopped listening to her music. I try to avoid and if something is going on I immediately associate that with my panic attack. It's awful.

16-01-09, 09:26
Hi there, Here is a link to an article about feeling spaced out. I call it unreality, They call it depersonalisation.

I have been troubled with this on and off for a couple of years now. I know how awful it is. Anyway the article may help put your mind at rest a bit. My dp is getting less these days. And when I do get it I try and tell myself its nothing to worry about and it cant harm me. Then I get on with what I am doing. Also I find that when my mind is totally off me and the dp, its not there!! Of course its not easy to get my focus off the dp though as you know. You can also get the book "At last a life" at the website and its well worth it. I have got it. It costs £10.99 to download. See what you think anyway.

Best Wishes.

16-01-09, 17:26
Im exactly the same with this atm, itsa awful and causes me to have panic attacks:S Mine seems to have come on with this mammoth headache:S

16-01-09, 21:20
Hi Holly,

I also can relate, this is one of the worst of my symptoms. Your right the more you concentrate on it the worst it gets. try some relaxation tapes, it will go away. when I get real stressed thats when mine kicks in.

17-01-09, 11:48
Thanks, i have just started taking Propranolol again, it may help me chill a bit more!! hate feeling so spaced out :(

17-01-09, 12:52
Hi Hollytree, I hope the Propranolol works and helps you to chill out. As "D" says, this feeling will go away. I have had 4 episodes of it in 30 years and it has ALWAYS gone away completely, eventually. The above link that I left about unreality has helped me and I am just telling myself now that "Its nothing" and to just go with the flow so to speak. Some days are better than others, some are worse. It will stop sometime - I am sure of that, especially if we can do things without focussing on it too much. As "D"says the more we focus on it, the worse it gets.

Take Care
x x x