View Full Version : My hearts gonna give out:(

16-01-09, 09:54
I'm 36 and i'm gonna die tonight cuz my hearts gonna give out on me:weep: Its 3:50am and i just woke up with a racing heartbeat, tightness in my chest and neck, and coughing. I know i'm gonna die but i'm afraid to wake my hubby up cuz he will get annoyed but i don't wanna die alone:weep: i'm sooooo scared! :weep: :weep: :weep:

16-01-09, 10:08
I don't ever think i've had these symptoms before. I've had many symptoms which is why my hubby would say "its just your anxiety again", but i don't think it is,,,i don't know,,,i feel kinda sick to my stomach now,,,still tight in the chest, having alittle trouble breathing, my neck is tight too and sore,,, these are signs of heart attack or heart failure huh? I just know it:weep:

16-01-09, 10:21
I've woken up in the night thinking that I'm going to have a heart attack, but I didn't. Do you have any anti-anxiety medication? When it happened to me I thought "If I'm gonna die, then taking this won't make any difference". I took one Ativan tablet and started to feel better within a few minutes. As it would probably take at least 10 to 15 for my stomach to digest the tablet, that just goes to show that it was anxiety. I calmed right down within 20 minutes.

The other thing that helped was distraction - I figured that whatever happened was going to happen whether I worried about it or not. So I just watched a dvd for a few minutes and tried not to think about my heart. The fact that my symptoms started to subside (helped by the Ativan) showed me that it was anxiety.

I know it's really hard but just try to distract yourself for a few minutes - really try not to think about it, whatever will happen will happen whether you think about it or not - and then check how you feel.

16-01-09, 10:34
I've woken up in the night thinking that I'm going to have a heart attack, but I didn't. Do you have any anti-anxiety medication? When it happened to me I thought "If I'm gonna die, then taking this won't make any difference". I took one Ativan tablet and started to feel better within a few minutes. As it would probably take at least 10 to 15 for my stomach to digest the tablet, that just goes to show that it was anxiety. I calmed right down within 20 minutes.

The other thing that helped was distraction - I figured that whatever happened was going to happen whether I worried about it or not. So I just watched a dvd for a few minutes and tried not to think about my heart. The fact that my symptoms started to subside (helped by the Ativan) showed me that it was anxiety.

I know it's really hard but just try to distract yourself for a few minutes - really try not to think about it, whatever will happen will happen whether you think about it or not - and then check how you feel.

I don't have any meds,,,sometimes i want them but a long time ago when i had meds i would get them out of the bottle and "try" to take them but i couldn't. I've even put them in my mouth then spit them out cuz i was afraid:weep: I'm hopeless i know. I've had people tell me "nothings wrong with your heart" but i'm so wrapped up in my fear that i don't/can't believe them, i can't even believe a dr when they tell me i'm ok:weep:

16-01-09, 10:35
I agree with leebee. Just try your best to relax, it sounds like a panic attack. I know, Its the worst feeling in the world but if it would put your mind at ease do go to your doctor and get checked out. :hugs: take care

16-01-09, 10:39
How are you feeling now? Maybe pop into the kitchen and make yourself a cup of herbal tea (no caffeine :)), then come back on here and read up on the symptoms page. All of the symptoms you're having can be caused by anxiety. We know what you're going through. You're not alone :hugs:.

16-01-09, 12:08
i was feeling slightly better but now i'm starting to feel worse again. Harder to breath, chest heavy/tight, shoulders tight, trying to take deep breath but having a hard time, my head even feels weird, pressure:weep: I'm dieing aren't i?
I'm at home alone with my 4yr old, hubby just went to work, what am i gonna do,,,,,,i don't want her to see me die or find me dead:weep: I'm SO scared again:emot-fail:

16-01-09, 13:05

I can totally understand how you are feeling! I have 2 little girls, ages 5 and 3 and there was a time that I was afraid to be alone with them for fear that something would happen to me and they would witness it!!

First of all, there IS something wrong with you. You suffer from panic attacks. You HAVE to remember that your heart symptoms are a result of something - a result of panic. They are not just happening on their own because you have a weak heart. If you had a weak heart, you would have had many, many problems during your pregnancy with your child!!! I always try to remember this when I start to worry about my heart - if I had some kind of problem with my heart, they would have found it while I was pregnant or while I was having my c-sections. But guess what?? I made it through everything just fine and I'm healthy!! And so are you!!

Try taking this bad day and turning it into a good day. Spend some time with your 4 year old!! Sometimes when I'm feeling terrified, I'll grab my little girls and hug them until they complain that I'm squeezing them too tight!! Hugs from your kids can do wonders for your brain, which is where our problems stem from. Get your brain under control and your heart will follow!!!! Think happy thoughts.... :hugs:

16-01-09, 13:07
hi your not going to die, anxiety is poo making us feel like this i feel the same as you day and night and always convincing myself im going to die but i havent yet and always same as you think going to have a heart attack , have a nice hot cup of sweet tea ive no idea why but it seems to help me a bit try to relax easier said than done i know that aswell , its a vicious circle but hoping your feeling a bit better by now

take care

16-01-09, 13:10
I just wanted to share one more thing with you.

A couple of weeks ago, I was feeling super anxious and my 5 year old daughter wanted to cuddle me. She was lying next to me with her head on my chest. She said to me...."Boy mommy, your heart sure is beating fast". My immediate response to her was...."I feel a little nervous today, but that's OK. That just means that my heart is working the way it's supposed to!" And then I realized what I had said....when explaining it to my child, it's a normal occurance. But when it happens to ME, there MUST be something wrong....how is that possible??? Maybe I should listen to mysefl!!!

16-01-09, 14:30
I so understand how you feel. Mostly all my symptoms like that happern at night and I have phoned paramedics twice a few years ago. My Dr says it is anxiety as I have been checked out ECG, treadmill and so on. I am retired now an keep thinking that at my age it MUST be heart! last time I went to Dr,s he refused to refer me so I asked for a few Valium for emergencies! He gave me five and so far I have used only one on a really scary night when I thought my time had come( I am alone in the house except for the dog) and within 5mins I felt fine. I haven't needed one since and find that like the others, a cup of tea and talking aloud to the dog usually calm the attack before it gets a real hold. Also the knowledge that the meds are there if I can't convince myself. hope you feel better today.

19-01-09, 19:45
Do you know, it's absolutely incredible that I'm reading stories from other people that 100% MIRROR my own feelings and fears!!!

I'm 32. My son is 10 and my daughter is 6. I have a girlfriend who lives with me and cut a long story short, my girlfriend broke her ankle and had to finish work for around 6 months.

I'm so terribly fearful of my own heart - if I make it until the children reach adulthood I'll be very surprised. I have chest pain, aching jaw, pinch like pain underneath my left arm - trust me, I've read the symptoms of angina and that is what I think I have. I have family history of heart disease and am waiting to see ANOTHER cardiologist. I saw one before who diagnosed ectopic heart beats but discharged me and wasn't too bothered!!!

While my girlfriend wasn't working, I absolutely loved it. For me, she was my SAFE person. Whenever I was with her, I felt safe. Even whilst with her I would get the occasional panic attack and chest pain but moreoften than not, I felt at my most comfortable when I'm with her.

My family used to say "isn't it about time kathy got a job again now" and "you can't support everyone just on your salary" etc etc........they had no idea that even though they were giving me a hard time, I wanted kathy home because if she was at home whilst me and the children were, if anything happened to me whilst the children were there, kath could move them away from me and they wouldn't be scarred by seeing me collapse and not know what to do. I wanted kath to be there until I left the house and I wanted her there for when I came back to the house.

Well, to bring you up to speed, kath is now working. This is her second week. She leaves the house around an hour and a half before myself and the children do and she doesn't come home until around an hour and a half after myself and the children do.

I love my children so much. They are both very loving and very well behaved. They are the apples of my eyes but I can't help worrying that something is going to happen and it would be sod's law that it would happen when I'm in the house alone with the children. I can't help how I feel. The thought itself sends me into a panic that brings on the chest pain. I get chest pain which makes me panic all the more and that makes my chest pain worse. I make sure that I know where the house phone is incase I need to ring someone in an emergency. It's all absolutely stupid but I can only assume I have generalised anxiety/definately health related.

I really do understand how you feel. It's flippin horrid and I can't enjoy my life like this. This is a poem I wrote about my feelings.

Daylight Breaks
When daylight breaks many awake with feelings of contentment,
I awake with feelings of uncertainty, borderline resentment,
How long will I feel this way?
How am I going to feel today?
Should I attempt to look inwards, re-learn who I am,
Start afresh and free myself from this disheartening jam.
I'm searching for direction, can someone show me the way?
I hope these feelings aren't here to stay.
I'm floating and surviving without believing,
Separated from my inner self and life's true meaning.
I need to look deep within,
Struggling with where to begin.
I'll take deep breaths and learn to refrain from these
Negative feelings trying to sustain.
Must stay positive and remember to smile,
even if only for a little while.

I hope you like it. I wrote it a couple of years ago during a bad episode, Sal xxx

House fan
20-01-09, 08:58
It's a fantastic poem, and I'm sure there are many members on this site who can truly relate to it. You are not alone with this, I can assure you. Hope you find some relief soon.


22-01-09, 06:40
im with u on this at the moment.
i have a pain in the left shouler tip and just in front of it kinda towards my chin i have had jaw pain. im convinced i have angina my mum has it. im only 41 and 4 years ago the hospital said im too young to have angina even if my mum has it
the thing is it dosnt hurt when im asleep or wake me up and when i first wake up its not there so im figuring it must be anxiety or muscular. i dont know about the pain in my jaw...........

i just know that if you get checked out by gp then you need to listen and absorb and work on it.
the thing about the safe person is i refuse to have one now, yes i keep the phone by me, sometimes. i work full time as well and have a stressful job but its distraction.
dare yourself to be alone with the kids and for something not to happen, thats what i did and it appeared to work for me. you have to dare it or embrace it then when it keeps not happening and your safe then that is something you can work from.



22-01-09, 08:30
I suppose as a mom you never want to tell your child anything that would upset or frieghten... so you explain it in a very simple way

Maybe we should all talk to our inner child when we are panicky, so we can calm ourselves down