View Full Version : EFT

16-01-09, 12:22
Hi all,
Has anyone tried EFT and has it helped at all.
Just wondered if it was another 'quick fix' that didn't really last or if it can be helpful with some aspects of anxiety.
I've read about some good results with it and just thought I'd ask here, as first hand experience always seems better than just claims written on the authors website.



16-01-09, 20:37
hi mick. i gave EFT a good try. firstly did it with a therapist and then was sent home with a dvd and written information about it. i have to say after trying it for some time (a week or so) it did not help me in any way with my panic attacks. my advice is give it a try though, as just because it didn't work for me does not mean it won't work for you. plus what have you got to loose. regards henry

17-01-09, 09:32

I know EFT is tapping acupuncture points and that could help an anxiety sufferer to relax. However, is it just a case of distraction. I myself wouldn't bother but then again by doing these things you give yourself a bit of hope I think.

17-01-09, 11:26
Thanks for your input.
It has to be a distraction technique I think. They say it's not, but from what i've read and seen it's just a way of redirecting your attention away from what's going on.
I guess if it works it's okay, but not the most inconspicuous thing to do if you are out in public.

anyway thanks again for replying


18-01-09, 14:47
Hi Mick

As far as I'm concerned you might as well wear a rubber band round the wrist and tweak it when you get panicky.