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View Full Version : Terrified it could be cancer.

16-01-09, 14:38
For years I have been suffering with health related anxiety that is exacerbated by GERD and IBS. I take medication for both. Over the last several weeks I have worked myself into a panic regarding pancreatic cancer. I have nearly constant areas or patches of tingling and pins and needles feelings. If cross my legs,my leg ofton feels asleep after I uncross them or my arm will feel asleep after I lower it from above my head when I holding something up in the air. My foot will sometimes feel numb after a short drive. I have also had one eye that is weaker than the other for years. Lastly I have frequent mid and lower back pain. Non of my symptoms are constant in the same locatin except the eye. The rest come and go but have gotten worse lately. I pray that all of this is anxiety and my increased anxiety is what is making it worse. I made the mistake of googling these symptoms and they sound like diabetes which is a symptom of pancreatic cancer. I am 37 and run a few times a week. Does anyone have anything similar? I am a wreck right now and I NEED someone to talk some sense into me. I feel like I am 30 seconds away from calling a doctor who has seen me way to ofton over the years. With many of my other panics of the years, I have waited them out and I have figured if they didn't kill me I must have been imaging it. It would be very helpful if someone could tell me what the timeline of pancreatic cancer is so that I can say to myself, "it has been x number of months and it hasn't killed me so it must just be anxiety". Anyway, I know this message is all over the place but I am at my wits end and I could really use some sane advice.

16-01-09, 16:30
Hi there

This is one of my fears too. I have upper abdominal pains that come and go and I have seen the doc and mentioned it to him. I had scans which were clear but my fears were reignited just today when a freind said they thought I lost weight (weight loss = cancer I worry).

Dont feel guilty about seeing your gp for reassurance (you can even get a blood test for pancreas function I think - he might do it, if it helps) - if your anxiety is making you ill then (like me) you probably need to talk to someone for councelling. Im still to book my appointment.

Ddont feel alone in this, people on these boards are really good. And sometimes just reading through is enough to calm the nerves a litte.

16-01-09, 19:04
Thanks to nemo for the response. I was really hoping to get more people to say they thought this was something else. The lack of responses only freaks me out more.