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View Full Version : im in a panic

16-01-09, 14:42
well last week i had a row with my daughter and she threw a hard back catalogue at my leg , it is a massive bruise covering half my leg, it is fading but theres a lump under it now im think of all bad things again and worried its going to kill me, is it normal to have lumps under bruises and advice would be appreciated


16-01-09, 15:08
Hi Amanda

I don't suffer from HA but I hope you don't mind me answering.

No, it's not at all unusual to have these lumps under bruises particularly if the bruise was a large one!
I get this from time to time and my daughter had a large lump left after a fall a few years ago, she was so badly bruised the hospitalthought she might have cracked her cheekbone.
They did warn us that there could be some "calcification" when the bruise faded and there was a lump which went away after about 6 weeks.
No lasting damage so try not to worry. :)

16-01-09, 15:14
well last week i had a row with my daughter and she threw a hard back catalogue at my leg , it is a massive bruise covering half my leg, it is fading but theres a lump under it now im think of all bad things again and worried its going to kill me, is it normal to have lumps under bruises and advice would be appreciated


I have HA and this is definately something i woulda worried about at one time but i do know its normal for the bump, i fell years ago, i had a bruise and bump that stayed there on my thigh for 2 or 3 months, it felt like a rock under there for a while but it went away and i'm fine (with that anyhow):hugs:

16-01-09, 15:18
is your daughters behaviour part of the problem? my sons is......

16-01-09, 15:36
Hi amandaj,

Sorry to tell you this, but nobody has ever died from a bruise!! And since it's healing so quickly, I would say that your body is doing a fantastic job at fixing the problem!! You're fine....just relax and make sure that your daughter doesn't throw anything at you anymore!!

16-01-09, 15:42

The lump is most likely the part of your leg that took the biggest impact, It will probably be tender to touch too. Please don't worry as it will fade as the bruise does.

What age is your daughter hun? Is she just young and having a temper tantrum?



16-01-09, 16:56
ty for the replies ,i wish i could say she was young and having tantrums but she is 19 , and goes off in one sometimes , i feel more reassured now thanks again for the replies, next timje she throws it ill throw it back at her i think

amanda xxx

16-01-09, 18:07
I did this! Got a massive lump and a little bruise, just from banging my arm. I went to the doctors and he said it was normal sometime's. It was gone after a while and hasn't come back. Guess it's just one of those things

16-01-09, 19:46
Hi Amanda, I banged my lower leg while wheeling a shopping cart. Even though I was on my way home and iced it immediately, I got a bump that took 4 months to go away. I also thought, it will form a clot and go to my heart and every other disaster and here I am and fine. Soft tissue bruises can take months and sometimes years to go down completely. So don't worry, the body will absorb it over time, what you have is perfectly normal after a bruise.

16-01-09, 20:13
Sounds like you've got a bit of swelling with your bruise. If you'd iced it at the time it might not be so bad... I know that doesn't help now though! I once badly sprained my ankle and didn't ice it straight away, had lots of extra brusing and swelling as a result :blush:.

Try rubbing it gently with some arnica cream to help the bruise heal. Don't it it hurts when you rub it though. It can take weeks for a bad bruise to go away, but it will.

Sounds like dealing with your daughter can be stressful - that won't be helping your HA.