View Full Version : Ear Syringing?

16-01-09, 17:44
:wacko: I just wondered if any of you could tell me what happens when you get your ears syringed? I know its basically nothing im just REALLY nervous about it. I've been having problems with my ears for 2 months now, ive had otitis externa in 1 ear and now have a wax block in the other. I got referred to a specialist for the ear with otitis externa because my ear was full of debris and needed suctioning out but they couldnt get me an appointment until march, the ear has now cleared quite alot and just has a little bit of debris left in it that needs clearing so the GP has agreed to let me get it syringed. He said he can see basically all of my eardrum and it seems fine but im still really worried about it, a few weeks ago when I saw a doctor (he was actually really useless, i'd been told i didnt need a specialist and he referred me to one because he refused to let me get my ear syringed saying i'd go deaf :scared15: )
I ended up at the out of hours doctor at the hospital the other night with my right ear blocked up and he said it was basically packed with wax, he looked at the one thats been infected and said its actually looking pretty good and he really doesnt see why they both cant just be syringed.
I went to the doctor today and hes said I can get them both done, but then told me i need to be aware of the fact it could risk another infection, or rarely a perforation, or if i have a unknown perforation it could cause a middle ear infection. now im just SO worried about it, the ear thats blocked with wax has been fine the whole time i had the infection and i was at the doctors nearly everyweek so it always got checked and they never said anything about my eardrum so im guessing its always been ok, but part of me is just abit like oh my god what if it causes damage. I no im just been really paranoid because if the doctor didnt think it was wise he obviously wouldnt agree to it, but im just panicking so much about it. A nurse is doing it so obviously they do ears everyday and if she doesnt think its wise im guessing she wont do it.
Do they just have to say these things to cover themselves because obviously if wax is blocking the view of the eardrum they cant be 100% sure? He said there was absolutley no way it'd send me deaf, but because i've been sent round in circles by so many docs, now its finally getting sorted out im so worried about it!

16-01-09, 23:10

Please don't worry as there is nothing to worry about. I remember I got it done a few years back- a couple of times actually. I actually do have a perferation in my right ear and it never done me any harm. I got this perforation from an infection and that was about 10 years ago but it has never given me any significant problem.

In my head I had this mental movie of the doctor having this big syringe that he stuck in my ear and sucked all the wax out with. Its just a normal syringe with some warm water in it that he squirts into your ear. It can be quite soothing and doesn't hurt a bit.

There are some drops now you can by over the counter like Otex which in my opinion do a a better job but maybe that has not been recommended because of your infection.

So please don't worry. It will be OK. Anything you have been told to the contrary is most likely as you say just the doctors covering themselves.

All the best


16-01-09, 23:19

Don't worry about it, I have had it done twice in recent years and it is a straight forward process. I actually found it to be quite relaxing because they use warm water. Your hearing will improve so much after it has been done.


20-01-09, 11:03
Thanks for your replies!
Im getting it done tomorrow, eeeek :scared15:

20-01-09, 13:09
Hi April :hugs:

I just want to send you loads of hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I'm having a lot of bother with my ears at the moment too - otitis externa. My thread is here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=39759

I do have to say, yours sounds like it is more a wax problem than otitis externa just now? If you have otitis externa, make sure you ask doc about ways of preventing it from flaring up.

Good luck for tomorrow! :hugs: I am getting the suction thing done at the hospital on Thursday, for the third time this week! :ohmy: Why do ears have to be such complicated things eh?! :hugs:

Let us know how you get on,

Lou x