View Full Version : Anxiety? Stress?

16-01-09, 18:14
Hi all, new here but found the threads a great help...
first off just like to explain background and welcome thoughts/ comments...
my sister sadly passed away last weekend, and whilst not totally unexpected, was still obviously a shock, but since then have experienced following symptoms/ conditions:

severe diahoria/ stomach cramps/ bloatedness for a few days;
sharp stabbing pains in temple/ headaches/ light headedness;
severe tiredness/ fatigue;

im a generally fit bloke of 40 with no other underlying (knowingly) medical conditions short of back pain now and then
whist the death of my sister has hit me emotionally there seems to be this underlying feeling of tension which i havent experienced beofre, and quite frankly its scaring me with the above symptoms.
i have always been a pretty much happy-go-lucky kinda bloke who takes life with a pinch of salt and moves on, im just wondering is this a common kinda reaction to my situation or should a trip to the docs be in order to maybe see what they think?
first time poster so apologies if in wrong categary


16-01-09, 18:40
It's a common reaction John but you need to monitor how you are feeling. If these symptoms are over-taking your ability to cope on a day to day basis then a trip to the doc would probably be in order.

It's a totally personal thing - if you can't cope then go, don't be proud!

I am sorry to hear about your sister and hope things pick up for you soon John

16-01-09, 22:21
Like goldilocks said - this is probably all quite normal given that you've had death in the family. If possible you need to take some time to give your mind and body time to catchup.

From my own experience in November I suspect you may have eaten and drunk irregularly if at all, had lots of things to organise (or be excluded from) and that all takes its toll even if its only a bad project at work. In these circumstances it can hit hard - especially if you had a lot to do or people to be strong for up until now.

Also - well done for finding this place - most people suffer anxiety for years before asking anyone for advice!?!?

17-01-09, 09:28

I'm the last person to opt for the obvious, however Ihave had a very bad gastro enterritis virus recently. All the symptoms you mention I had, it was the worst stomach bug I've ever had. The weakness and lack of energy makes you feel completely wiped out. I also had a very bad headache with it and my stomach looked like I was pregnant!!!

My opinion here is that you are worrying about the way you feel and it's causing incredible tension because you are maybe connecting it to anxiety and it's scaring you.

Having said that, the loss of your sister is a huge loss in your life and even if you do normally move on in life this could be playing havoc in your subconscious. I don't think you can have a death in the family and not be affected to be honest with you.

As someone else said, if the gut thing doesn't go away after about a week then I'd see your gp. Mine has lasted longer than a week by the way.