View Full Version : Will someone PLEASE help me? >_<

16-01-09, 18:30
Okay so me and my mum were having a massive argument over naff all, and I was doing alot of shouting. I could feel my face going red and I was burning up - It kinda felt like I was being choked but I could breathe - If that makes sense to anyone ??

So I sat down at the table, and got the idea that from all the shouting I would have caused my brain to hemorrhage. Now I keep getting funny feelings in my head and I'm just freaking out completely. Would it be possible for this to cause a brain hemorrhage? Brain hemorrhage is my biggest fear anyway, so it probably isn't, I just think it is.

Please don't read and run, I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant and I'm in a right state, I think my brain is bleeding and I'm going to die. Please don't read and run I always see people viewing my posts but no-one replies.

Sorry if I'm not making sense, I just can't think straight at the moment. I'm all over the place.

16-01-09, 18:35
You cannot cause a brain hemorrhage by shouting so please do not worry.

16-01-09, 18:51
I know this is easier said than done but please try to calm down for the sake of both you and the baby.

I lived through a pregnancy with a lot of stress and you really don't need it

16-01-09, 18:51
Yeah but hemorrhages can be caused by high blood pressure can't they? And wouldn't that be why I went red. :S

16-01-09, 18:52
I know this is easier said than done but please try to calm down for the sake of both you and the baby.

I lived through a pregnancy with a lot of stress and you really don't need it

Thankyou [:

16-01-09, 18:53
You are very welcome, are you any calmer now?:hugs:

16-01-09, 19:03

You have probably just caused your blood preasure to rise which would explain those symptoms. Please try to stay calm hun as it can happen to anyone. I certainly get it when i have a shouting match.

Hope you feel better soon


16-01-09, 19:14
Thanks for your replies, I do feel a little calmer but I'm really panicking. :/

16-01-09, 19:16
Please don't panic hun as there is absolutely no reason to. You have given yourself a fright and nothing bad is going to happen to you. :flowers:
