View Full Version : Worst case scenario....

07-07-05, 10:13
I know this is probably a common one but I thought I'd ask as I woke up like it this morning.

I came to feeling relatively relaxed and all of a sudden as conciousness kicked in I felt a horrible fear rush over me, "what if my symptoms become unbearable?". And I was imagining that being concious that I have a throat would no longer be bearable and it would drive me to a padded cell. Like the feeling of swallowing to someone that doesn't suffer with a nervous throat is a 'normal' feeling, what if I get to the point where I can't bear that 'normal' feeling anymore. It's hard to describe but I hope someone understands. Does I sound weird? :D


07-07-05, 11:26
Hi Hun
i think all anxiety persons get this at some point, people with anxiety go with what we know, like me becacuse i have had dizziness for over 2 years i always think that i have it. and for the times when i can relax u can bet your life as soon i have nothing better to tking about or my mind is not active my anxiety and dizziness returns.
i do feel our minds bcome over active with anxiety and panic and because we have this way of conditioning our selfs even normal seem odd.
we r not born with anxiety and fear we teach it to our selfs so if this is the case we can un teach it.

i have some good books so feel free to pm me if u would like the names.

Love & Light
