View Full Version : can you be anxous 24 hours a day

16-01-09, 23:14
can you be anxoius 24 hours a day 7 days a week and be feeling anxoius and not know it as i get symptoms even though i dont feel stressed

16-01-09, 23:21
well, i am not a dr but i would think it can be underlying cos I clench and grind my teeth when asleep.

16-01-09, 23:27
Yes. You can have a high level of anxiety fairly constantly throughout the day which seems to become the norm. And you can get symptoms out of the blue as a result even when you are not stressed. Because your nerves get so overworked by constant anxiety they become taut and easy to set off. And that intensifies the emotions. Something one person might find a little sad you find devastating and something that might draw a smirk from them you find hysterically funny. Its the same with fear. It only takes the smallest thing to set put you into a panic, something that is irrational.

With constant high levels of anxiety you may be on edge and/or agitated but certainly unable to relax and this is what it does to the nerves and makes them ready to shot off at the slightest thing.

All the best


16-01-09, 23:30

The short answer is yes.

It can affect people in all different ways. Some with short but extreme attacks and feeling highly stressed to others with symptoms of anxiety but not feeling stressed at all.

16-01-09, 23:36
Thanks Yes I Seem To Go To Bed Fealing Rubish And Wake Up The Same Over And Over Thanks For The Replys

17-01-09, 12:17
this sounds like me,constyant level of fear and anxiety,i feel it now while i am typing ,the slightest thing will send me into a spin

17-01-09, 17:55
i know but i can be ok 1 minute then anxoius for nothing and i feel anxoius all the time for no reason as i dont always feel anxoius this bugs me and makes me think bad thoughts

17-01-09, 22:39
i have been suffering with anxiety and ptsd for the past 13 mths i get up every day and just feel freaked out i started taking 10mg of diazepam for this it just didnt help me at all once the drug wore off i was wanting more for the past couple of mths i have reduced the diazepam myself as i myself am now getting to the point where i have had enough so i want to become drug free and see how i can cope i am hoping that this way i feel will go suffering with anxiety is a vicious illness i hope it goes away for me when i am drug free:shrug:

18-01-09, 01:05
i have been suffering with anxiety and ptsd for the past 13 mths i get up every day and just feel freaked out i started taking 10mg of diazepam for this it just didnt help me at all once the drug wore off i was wanting more for the past couple of mths i have reduced the diazepam myself as i myself am now getting to the point where i have had enough so i want to become drug free and see how i can cope i am hoping that this way i feel will go suffering with anxiety is a vicious illness i hope it goes away for me when i am drug free:shrug:


It is good that you are wanting to get off the medication if it is not working for you but I would advise that you prepare yourself for anxiety by reading up on it as much as you can- something like a Claire Weekes book. If you just come off unprepared to tackle the anxiety then you might find it really hard. From all the stuff I have read it does come down to understanding the anxiety first and foremost.

All the best and I wish you will with tackling this,


Adam Thompson
18-01-09, 06:16
oh yes.
from the moment you wake to the time you fall asleep and including waking up too.

lol, first thoughts on my mind when i get up are health anxiety related, i look forward to bed everyday to get a rest from it