View Full Version : Bad Morning

17-01-09, 08:53
Well, ive been on Citalopram for 12 days now, upped the dose on Wednesday to 20mg. Had a bad couple of days but this morning was awful. Tried to get some decent sleep but woke very early, tried to keep the panic at bay but failed miserably. Spent an hour crying to my husband and began to calm a little. Went for a shower and passed out on the floor, hubby came running through and then i was sick lots. My main fears and anxieties are these two things. I was just beginning to trust my body again after a really bad month and now i feel right back to where i was. I doubt that these are side effects of the tablets, more me being wound up. Now im just constantly worried about the future and how i am meant to try and live life like this, hubby is going away for a month in February and im not sure i can cope(got 4 year old twins so life is busy). Why cant things just go right for once?? I thought the tablets would help me feel more functioning, like i could do stuff and have more confidence in things. All i can see is swim lessons, ballet etc and how do i sit through those classes whilst feeling bad and what happens if i do feel sick and pass out etc??? Mind is in overdrive, tummy is in knots. it almost feels as if life is over.:weep:

17-01-09, 09:12
I dont know much about citalopram but I understand most meds take a while to kick in, so my first port of call would be the doctors. Even just to rule out the medication.
Anxiety is a bitch and can affect us in so many ways but even when we feel out of control, we are really in control. Each one of us knows how difficult it is to live feeling this way but there is a fighting spirit in each one of us that says "NO WAY AM I GIVING IN-NO WAY IS THIS GOING TO BEAT ME"

I am sure Feb will be a tough month for you and I wont pretend it wont be.

If I may suggest having some plan in place before your husband goes off.

It may be possible to have a friend come with you to certain events or a family member.
Even before your husband goes try training your mind and by that see this month as something that you will get through. Visualise yourself doing each thing and making it.

I have been sick many times in public and most people are very understanding.

Take care

kev x

17-01-09, 09:48
I nearly fainted when I was put on a high dose of Amitriptyline, my dr had no hesitation in taking me off them straight away. Don't automatically think it is your anxiety, it could be that you are very sensitive to the drug. One of my main symptoms of anxiety is constant nausea, but I am never sick (so far anyway), even when I am having a massive PA, so it may not have been just your panic today.

Go to the drs, you must get yourself checked out, maybe they will want to try a different med for you. really hope you fel better soon.

RL x

17-01-09, 10:23
I have on the odd occassion vomited and passed out with it before. Usually it coincides with my period, hence why i think i did today. I will ring my doctor on Monday and have a chat with him. Last time i tried an SSRI i got worse and worse as the month went on and came off them after that. I was reassured that these ones are very different to the Seroxat and should suit me. I hope they do as the thought of trying to do this without meds is frightening me, i feel so weak and tired from it i cant keep going. I really need the extra help at the moment. God this is an awful condition, will i ever really overcome it properly??

17-01-09, 10:32
Just wanted to say it took nearly 2 months for me to feel better on citalopram, and before that I felt an awful lot worse. I don't know how I managed to carry on working, and even leave the house. You will start to feel better soon, it might just take longer for you (like it did me) than others on citalopram. Please believe you will be ok soon x

17-01-09, 11:13
Hi There,
I have been on 20mg Citalopram since 5th November and honestly its only these past 2 weeks that I have felt anywhere near normal, I thought I would never get past this constant shakiness, nausea, loss of appetite, continual thoughts going round and round my head etc. etc. I 'm sure you all know the story. Anyway hang on in there if you possibly can.
Take Care.