View Full Version : Terrorist attacks

Sal x
07-07-05, 12:43
Hi Everyone,

I am really panicing about what is happened in London this morning.

Terrorist attacks are one of my biggest fears and I am absolutley convinced that there will be more bombs going off elsewhere.

My husband works in Leeds centre and I am terrified that a bomb will go of in Leeds any minute now.

Does anyone know if this is likley??

Sorry for worring so much.

Sal x

07-07-05, 13:03
Its making me panic as well Sal I have just sat here all morning and now have a bad head and neck
They seem to be aimed at London so I shouldnt worry your husband will be fine.

Barb xxx

07-07-05, 13:15
It's just in London so you don't need to worry. Why would they do Leeds?

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

07-07-05, 13:30
We have just heard that the airports in the UK are shutting down. Britannia Airways are on Level 2 security alert.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

Sal x
07-07-05, 13:44
But if they airports have been closed, surely that means that everywhere in the country are at risk??

Sal x
Really scared

S Hill

07-07-05, 13:49
Sorry I didn't mean to alarm you atall.

I just meant that the country is responding in a sensible way and taking all precautions they can with added security etc.

The whole country is not at risk - well no more than normal.

It will be fine - try to remain calm.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

07-07-05, 14:25
Hi, im too worried about terrorist attacks in general, but i think its just gunna be London, and i dont think there will be any more anywhere else in the country, i believe there wont be anymore bombs going off in London now, its just the aftermass that were seeing on the news. ive not heard of any airports closing either.
All my thoughts are with the injured and families of thows court up in this.

Take Care Dee.

07-07-05, 14:32
Sorry all!!

I was misinformed about the airports. You would think they would give staff accurate info when they work for an airline wouldn't you?[:I]

Anyway - the airports are not closed just on heightened security levels.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

Sal x
07-07-05, 14:38
Thanks everyone for your replys..............and sorry for being so hysterical!!

Sal x

S Hill

07-07-05, 14:51

You weren't being hysterical, it is very worrying when this kind of thing happens here.

My thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones and also the injured.

Kate xx

07-07-05, 16:23
I work for the denfence industry and we had an email reporting that there is not thought to be any threat to anywhere else in the country or anymore incidences in London.

It is shocking but now it has happened I doubt it will happen again.

07-07-05, 16:25
hi im petrififed that they are going to traget my town as we have power station which could do loads of damage

we are all lucky and have to pray and hope for those who are less fortunate than us

07-07-05, 16:40
Its ****** awful, but we have to learn to take a measured response and not panic.

In situations like this, I try to cheer myself up with a CD or a radio station without news overload.

The newspapers will now try and give scare stories as usual, so beware of that before they send you into a deep spin.

Take Care,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

07-07-05, 16:44
Hi Sal x and all..

I am devastated after hearing these horrible news.. A few people have lost their lives and I feel sorry for them and their families.
I live 1 hour away , and Sal x , I understand about your worries.. I was at work when I heard about all this, and a little while after I had a panic attack , I couldn't concentrate on my work and ended up in tears.. My anxiety has been high all week and surely, hearing this , has made it worse.
Sorry about the rant.
Take care all.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

07-07-05, 19:47
Nothing very wise to add here, other than I agree with what's already been said.

It doesn't seem awfully productive to get drawn into anything other than the basic facts - they are grim enough.

My heart goes out to those affected.

Love Piglet

07-07-05, 21:46
walking around near where i live, seeing the tube stations closed and not knowing what was going on was weird.. it reminded me of the opening scenes of that film 'war of the worlds'.
i hope and pray that things will calm down and that it is the last attack of its kind.
hope everyone is safe tonight x

Sue K with 5
08-07-05, 01:11
I watched the new today with fear and a sense of terror at what these people are capable of, but I also know that we have one of the tightest security services in the world, and they will not get away with what they have done.

Inner cities are there target because the heart of our economy is in London.

But i agree with Lucy We must remain calm and we must not let these people think they can win we will not be defeated

Take Care

Sue with 5


08-07-05, 15:58
Hi Sal,

I do hope you are ok. it is so devastaing and scary I know hun.

There are some sick and cruel people in this world unforunately.

I can only say try not to worry mate and I agree wholly with the others.

My heart to goes out to all the people affected in this tradagy.

Take care,;)

Love PIP'S X X

08-07-05, 18:30
Hi All,

I actually work in the city of London about 100 yards from Aldgate station where one of the bombs went off i was soo scared they wouldnt let us out of the office i couldnt leave untill 3:30 yesterday afternoon and then had to go and get on a train home i was having a panic attack on the train but it went after a while i was soo pleased to get home it was so surreal being in the middle of it all two people i work with were on the train one was in hospital but is ok just cuts and bruises and the other escaped un harmed just very shaken up it has left me feeling a bit deprssed and scared i have to go to work monday and get on a train i dont want to but know i have to Im just scared they will do it again.
