View Full Version : Breathless and tired. Help please. :(

17-01-09, 12:08
Hi All,

I've suffered from anxiety for close to 10 years. The majority of it has been with the typical 'fear' symptoms, but more recently has manifested as frequent hyperventilating and a feeling of breathlessness.

Much of the time I cannot settle my breathing or take my mind of it, and almost anything is enough to trigger the symptoms off. It's terrible in work and the long, dark drive on the motorway home is even worse.

I've foolishly been Googling symptoms and am obsessing over thyroid and other conditions now.

Can anyone symptathise and offer me reassurance?

This has been going on for weeks now and it's really starting to get me down. It's my birthday this weekend and I've yet to tell a big group of friends that I just can't go out because of all this.

I just want to calm down. The only relief I get is when I'm asleep. :(

Vanilla Sky
17-01-09, 12:40
Hi, i know what you mean, i obssess over so many things, at the moment its my heart, i hear its every beat its every palpitation so i sympathise with you. Its all part of anxiety , try to learn how to focus on something else , distraction is a good way for me , when im feeling bad, something to concentrate on is always a tool. Like this weekend focus on your friends, i bet when you tell them you cant go out and the reason why, you will get loads of support and youl probably find that a few of them have theyr own anxietys its more common than you think Good luck im sending you some calmness! Love paige x