View Full Version : Scared of Leukemia

17-01-09, 15:53
Ive got alot of bruises on my legs .. And i have no idea where there coming from. Some big some small, they dont hurt or anything though! Ive been to my GP who did blood tests and they came back normal apparently. . Im really worried though, people keep telling me that its a sign of leukemia :( .. Ive lost loads of weight in the past 3 month, but ive been under alot of stress .. could the bruising be from not eating properly ... ??

Someone please help me put my mind at rest.


17-01-09, 16:12
When my mum started going through the menopause, she got so stressed she lost loads of weight, and she started bruising really easily and when she went for a bath she'd shout me in to show me all these new bruises she found lol.

The doctor tested her and she was okay and everything, when she started eating properly again, the bruises pretty much stopped. I'm not sure wether it was to do with the menopause or the weight loss though.

But your legs can bruise for no reason, or no reason that you remember, and there's no underlying cause. I always find new random bruises on my arms or legs.

Do these people know you've got anxiety? Because it's not nice to tell someone with anxiety that bruises can be a sign of Leukemia. There could be a billion other reasons. There doesn't even have to be any reason at all :/

17-01-09, 16:36
Oh right.
Thanks :]

Yes, they know .. but they don't understand what panic or anxiety feels like at all. Im worrying myself to death thinking im dying. I personally did not think anything of them, but 3 people mentioned leukemia, so automatically my mind went into over drive..

I had a full blood count at the doctors, and he said he wasnt concerned and everything looked fine. Would leukemia defo of showed up?


17-01-09, 18:22
My grandmother had leukemia just 4 years ago. They found it quite by accident, because her blood counts were completely messed up. When she had bruises, it would take her months to heal. She was always a very independent woman and had to have things done on time and a certain way, but she started to let things slip by and that's how we knew that something wasn't right. Basically, she became very sickly and it was very obvious.

Since your blood counts came back normal, you don't have leukemia. Please try to relax - it's your HA getting the best of you!

17-01-09, 19:50
I have about 20 bruises on my legs right now - some people just bruise easily. I know I don't have leukaemia as I've been like this for years!!

Don't worry!!:yesyes:

17-01-09, 20:14
as the others have said your blood tests are normal so you dont have leukamia - my mum is covered in bruises over her legs but cant ever recall where they come from. she's very petite - maybe thin people bruise easier?


17-01-09, 21:59
Yeah, if your blood count was normal there's no way they'd have missed leukemia [: It's just your anxiety hon, I know it's not nice but we have to keep telling ourselves that. xx

19-01-09, 14:45
I have bruises on my legs too. No idea where they come from. My mum has them too - she says she always does in winter. You do not have leukemia. It would show in the blood test as too many white blood cells. If you don't have too many white blood cells (which you don't) you don't have leukemia - simple.

19-01-09, 16:42
I bruise easily too, have tons of bruises on my legs and arms even when I can't remember bumping into anything. I've been like this since childhood.
And yes, leukemia is very easy to get diagnosed from your blood, thank God!:)

27-05-09, 19:51
I have bruises appearing all over my legs at the moment. Am worried about leukemia. Had bloods done a year ago, would that of picked up abnormalities then? Would it of found probs starting then