View Full Version : It never goes away!

17-01-09, 16:09
Hi everyone:) Just wonderd if anyone else feels this. I feel the anxiety with the stupidest things, like taking my daughter to school? that really sets me off for some weird reason, going to the shops, going anywhere really. even seeing my friends. I hate feeling like this. Its awful:weep: . I get all the usuall signs, feel numb, tingly, chest starts to hurt(hate that one) light headed. does anyone else get this xxx

17-01-09, 17:38
Hi Lorrifarko

You could be suffering from agoraphobia. You might want to see your doctor and try CBT as I have heard it works to help. Also, you are doing great that you are still getting out and if I were you I would push myself to continue to do so. I know it isn't easy but I know you can do it! There is good reading material on agoraphobia on the left side of the screen along with other things that you can check out. I do hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


17-01-09, 18:27
Yep im with you on that one!

Its not just going out though, i could be sitting here and think 'ok ill go in the shower in 10 minutes', then ill remember something ive got to do first, and then ill get into a bit of a flap. Its not a full panic attack, but not nice all the same. wierd.

I get the same about just going to the shops, work, pub etc, not that i go to the pub or anything unless i really have to. Im going to have to start forcing myself to do more social things though because its slowly making me more and more on my own :mad:

17-01-09, 18:52
I used to have the same issue... I would panic over the simplest of things, like taking the trash out, or going out to dinner with friends. Going to the cinema, to shopping malls and to school was also a problem. I used to get so annoyed because it seemed that I couldn't go anywhere or do anything without feeling anxious and panicky.
What I would advise you to do (and it worked for me!) is to go out there regardless your fears. The more you go out and do the things that scare you, the better you will feel when it's over. In the end, your fear will start to decrease and dissolve until it goes away completely! :)

I remember how good I felt after my cousin's wedding 3 months ago. The wedding took place in another town and I was really bad during the ride there and had panic attacks while in the church, I thought I wasn't going to be able to stand it any longer, but once it was all over, I felt invincible! :shades:

Good luck! :hugs:


20-01-09, 10:41
Thanks guys for your replies. I'll try my best to not think about it. Ive got the dentist today:ohmy: not looking forward to it. Already been to the loo 3 times!:blush:

20-01-09, 12:26
im am like this too - it never goes away - i can have a good day then 5 bad days it sucks