View Full Version : flu anxiety

17-01-09, 17:07
Hi all,
Anyone had this flu virus/bug thing that's in the Uk at the moment and did it
cause you anxiety while you had it?
I feel a complete idiot. I have it at the moment and all i do is think the worst.
I know a lot of people feel really ill with it, but my symptoms seem to get amplified with it. Sleeps been even worse during it and so it's very hard to 'get plenty of sleep' as the doctors seem to suggest to fight it.
I guess because I'm over 6ft feet tall and stocky I feel I should just cope with it like everyone else, but it's not that easy, I just don't seem to have the resources at the moment to cope with such minor illnesses.
I know in the big scheme of things it seems trivial,but it doesn't feel that way to me at the moment.
Anyone else get that way with flu/colds etc?



agent orange
17-01-09, 19:36
I have a cold thing at the moment, it's making me quite anxious too and it's only a cold is it not? Well I have felt hot/cold, slightly dizzy, nauseaus etc and I am thinking the worse. My wife says it's a cold and if you have health anxiety you will make it worse. You see I have a Somatoform disorder, so sometimes I think I cannot tell the difference between a real illness or a percieved one.

april tones
18-01-09, 11:16
Hiya, i know the fear well! when i had my son 2003 there was something about called fiji fglu and then bird flu, i remembered reading on paper we would all die from it, i was petrified to point it took over my life, felt so ill and scared! was in winter, i think dark nites and days cause feelings of this too, you will be fine, i was and try get out in the day light lots, hope i have helped, i know how it feels,april

18-01-09, 12:46
Hi, i had a flu bug after xmas and it made me feel constantly spaced out and detatched...it started off my panic attaks and health anxiety again literally overnight. To make matters worse i lost most of my hearing due to inner ear infection i got during the flu, that just made me feel even stranger and unsteady on my feet...i was convinced there was a neurological problem and still am:scared15:. My doctor said there is a lot of nasty bugs about at the moment and they can spark off anxiety symptoms

18-01-09, 13:20
Hi, I had a virus that made me dizzy and a bit nauseous and 'spaced out' just described my head exactly! I felt exhausted but couldn't sleep and seemed to go through the day in a daze. when I had a really bad panic attack one night, I had to take a valium and this helped all symptoms, although it was a good few weeks before I felt better. Doc said stress/ anxiety etc so I still don' t know what I had. At the time thought I had had a stroke, and worried about this for weeks. I'm sure you will be fine and as others have said many 'bugs' can spark off anxiety if you are prone to it (as so many of us are).
Take care and hope you feel better soon

18-01-09, 14:19
Thanks all for taking the time to reply.
I've had flu in past years but this one is is the worse i've ever had.
The fatigue/tireness really worried me. Nice to know i'm not alone with this.


26-01-09, 05:25
I have the flu now and I am really anxious also. The doctor gave me antibiotics because of an ear infection and I am afraid of taking it... also... I cough and I am afraid of taking medication to get better too.
My anxiety get worst at night time .. that is when I think I am going to die... and I start to feel all crazy things related to my heart...
I don't know what to do....
is there anything we can do?

26-01-09, 17:50
Hey guys/gals
I had it for around 7 weeks :ohmy:. Well I say I had (it) flu, but I think I had various different virus's/flu type things. It feels like just one continuous virus but I would feel ok one day and then felt it had come back again another day.:huh:.

Just started to feel better week before last although I have a horrible cough and still a little bit bunged up but soooo much better than I was.:yahoo:

It made me feel so down having it for all that time so I do know how you guys feel but you will start to feel better soon.
Wrap up warm and take your mediation if you have been 'lucky' enough to be given it! (dr's said it wouldn't work for a virus around here)
Hope you all feel better soon. :D

27-01-09, 11:30
Hi Mick,

I have had this flu/bug thing for nearly 2 weeks now, and like you it seems to have heightened my anxiety symptoms. I have occasionly suffered with blocked ears due to my anxiety, but since having the flu my ears have been blocked constantly and I can hardly hear anything and they keep buzzing, and as for my dizzyness, it has gone through the roof. And i feel so overwhelmingly tired and exhausted, like I just can't get out of bed. So you are def not alone on this one, and don't beat yourself up about not being able to fight this, as i have learnt anxiety seems to take away a lot of what we usually are.

28-01-09, 10:10
Thanks again all for replying.
I think it was the dizziness and 'spaced out' feeling that worried me.
I had the usual flu stuff cough/chills/sore throat etc, but the spacey feeling was really weird.
My doctor told me to get lots of sleep....try doing that with blocked sinus :lac:

Anyway, I hope all that have it get well soon
