View Full Version : BRUSSEL SPROUTS.

14-12-03, 22:37
well,its nearly xmas,

and xmas dinner..so i thought i would just give a quick idea,about doing something different with sprouts.

boil the sprouts,as usual,but take them off,after 15mins...break 3 eggs,and put the whites in a bowl,add the sprouts to the bowl,and gently splosh around<ime a mucky cook>...put breadcrumbs in another bowl,and again add the sprouts...now fry,until golden brown.

not only do these taste great,but kids love them too...bryan.

16-12-03, 10:01
I've been having an ongoing 'thing ' with gary over sprouts and eating green in general .
He said he liked sprouts most of all greens and was fed up of broccolli but clearly didn'd like mine by how they went down so slowly, so he made them one night. Mine were lighly steamed for 7 mins- too hard apparantly and his were boiled for about 15 mins and quite mushy. Yuk

Then , I steamed them for 7 mins, added bacon and pine nuts and presto - everyone happy.

It seems it was a taste/smell thing after all and nothing to do with crunchiness at all.


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16-12-03, 11:04

Prefer the idea of yours. The last time I used egg white it was to make a Pavlova.

Breaded brussel pavlova. Just doesn't sound right. And I'm sure must taste worse! I'm sure if it was cooked and presented on a plate it tastes ok, but now I know what's in it, I just couldn't fancy it.


17-12-03, 13:10

I LOVE brussel sprouts but they have to be quite small and between hard and mushy!!!
(who fussy ? me?? )


17-12-03, 14:01

Same here - I call them firm. My mum does rock hard ones, my sister does mushy ones. But as I'm doing to lunch this year, we shall eat firm ones. And because we have to feed Fred the ex dentist, they will be free from Pine Nuts, breadcrumbs and egg white (he won't eat "funny" food).



17-12-03, 17:50

if fred,the ex dentist,goes on one of his binges,this year,ring me,and i will tell you,just where to put the sprouts lol....bryan.

18-12-03, 10:16
Thanks Bryan - but I think he has got the message.

Or put it this way, if he's late he gets either
a. cold lunch (my sister doesn't have a micro)
b. dried up lunch (due to being in oven on low heat for hours)

Either way he is eating it all.


18-12-03, 16:05
or c/. put it in a doggy bag,and send it to london.

best wishes..bryan.