View Full Version : Panic attack at work

07-07-05, 17:00
Hi all....sorry this may be a long post.

I don't know where to start...my anxiety has been pretty high lately but still, manageable..
But today, oh god! What a big struggle!!! It's been busy today at work ( I usually managed ok with it ), but suddenly ( a little while after hearing London's bombing ).. I felt unable to concentrate on my work, unable to breathe properly, unable to think rationally, I was really confused and felt terrified because I was convinced I was gonna die any minute , and then, I ended up in tears. I still feel pretty much the same, and I am struggling to concentrate on what I am typing at the moment. I feel completely detached from reality , and its like I am gonna be swallowed by a hole of nothingness ( like quicksand ).
I really have no idea why I felt and still feel that way [?]. I am so confused and scared.
I have been doing yoga lately, hoping that it would bring me some inner peace but instead I feel even more anxious. I don't know what to do any more.
Thanks for reading.


**Don't believe everything you think .**

07-07-05, 19:00

Sorry to hear you had a bad day today and not feeling so good this week.:(

Do you have any ideas why it got bad this week?

Try to be kind to yourself tonight and have a lovely relaxing bath and get Jason to look after you.

Hope you feel a bit better tomorrow.

Here's a a hug to make you feel better ((((((Flo))))))



"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

07-07-05, 19:03
hi Flo,

I think today has been a horrible day for everyone whether you live in London or not and whether you suffer from panic attacks or not. It is no wonder that things got on top of you hun..Try to relax and hope you feel better soon!!

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

07-07-05, 19:10
Hi Florence

really sorry to hear your not feeling to good, today has been a massive shock to every one, I have spent a lot of the day in tears myself,

Have a good cry Florence it will help, dont hold it in, im sure you will feel much better for it, I do hope you feel a bit better soon your such a help to everyone here hate to think of you feeling so bad hun

take care look after yourself

kairen x

07-07-05, 19:27
Ahh, Flo,

Sorry to hear you are not feeling good.

Like Nic says be kind to yourself (maybe you were forgetting to do this?).

Today isn't a nice day is it and I think we are all feeling scared and unhappy about the days events so expect this had an effect on you too?

Big hugs

Love Piglet

07-07-05, 21:59
Hi Nic
Thank you for your very kind reply

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Do you have any ideas why it got bad this week?</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I am not too sure but I think it could be connected to cutting down diazepam..[?]
I must admit, I feel really weird lately. Thank you for the hug.

Hey Sarah, Kairen and Piglet
Thanks for your kind words... Shocking news indeed, I suppose this kind of things can affect our anxiety pretty badly.
I really feel sorry for those who lost their lives and their families.

Thank you for your support.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

07-07-05, 22:01

Yes it could well be that cos they say the withdrawal symptoms can be quite bad at times. I assume you are doing it slowly etc under doc's advice etc.

Hope tomorrow is kinder of you mate.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

07-07-05, 22:23
Yeah, I am doing it very slowly under doc's advice... I think a part of me dreads being med free.
Well, tomorrow , I am off work and going to the pictures, so hopefully, this will take my mind of things.
Thanks Nic for the support...I so appreciate it.


**Don't believe everything you think .**

07-07-05, 22:36
Hi Florence

I don't think there is any doubt that todays events will have had an effect on you - couple that with the dropping meds regime and there are two reasons .

The images are graphic, the descriptions vivid and the speculation - terryifying

Try your utmost to put it behind you and see tomorrow in a new light.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

07-07-05, 23:10
hi Flo,

dont worry I was a babbling wreck at work today too. My hubby was on a course in london this week. He set off early this morning on his way to Aldgate tube.. everyone in the office was saying there were explosions in london, i logged on to bbc website and saw 'bodies on line' at aldgate and couldn't get thru on his mobile and was a blithering idiot. didn't look good on my 2nd week of my new job on reception!
needless to say he eventually rang me-he's back home now and seemed blissfully unaware of what was going on despite being stuck in the tube for an hour.
basically - it is totally understandable to be in shock. dont beat yourself up about it. it is a natural human response and more so in us due to heightened anxiety anyway.
you're doing great..
you can join me in the bulbous eyes tomorrow that you get after crying!
big hug

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

07-07-05, 23:37
Hi Meg , thank you for your very kind and wise words.
Really appreciate it.

Hi Lisa, thanks for your reply
I am glad to know that your husband came back home safe, must have been a dreadful day for you , (((hugs))).


**Don't believe everything you think .**

Sue K with 5
08-07-05, 00:59
Hi Flo

I have just read your post, I have felt exactly the same today, in fact I actually went to sleep tonight because I could not bear to watch the news anymore, it seem to heighten my fear of going out , which then leads me to believe that no matter where you go something bad will happen.

but thats not true, today has been an awful day and it is understandable why you have felt that way.

I never even went out and I felt the same

Take care and have a good day tom

Sue with 5


08-07-05, 03:05
Hi flo

Sorry you have had a rough day.

I got a letter from the solisitor and saw my mum's house for sale on the internet and that set me off.

Then I heard about the dreadful attack in London.

I think it has just been one of them days.

Hang in there hun.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

08-07-05, 09:50
Hi Sue and Stimpy
Thanks for your replies

Sorry to hear you both haven't felt good either, I hope today will be gentle on you two.


**Don't believe everything you think .**

08-07-05, 15:18
Sorry you all feel unwell. I always try to tell myself over and over that these feelings will pass. I also try to think about all the other people who use this forum and the many others who suffer with the same feelings. When I do I don't feel so lonely or like I'm the only person going through this. It makes me feel less worried that I'm losing my mind. So may people get through this. Remember, setbacks are an integral part of our success! Think of them as a positive not a negative! We need to do this to re-programme our mind's reaction to them.
You will get better.
Lots of hugs and smiles winging your way x

08-07-05, 15:45
Hi Flo,

Sorry to here you had such a bad day hun.

I do hope your feeling better now. Take care and pamper yourself.

Love & Hugs


08-07-05, 17:24
Hi Flo

Sorry you had such a bad day yesterday. I think the news affected a lot of people.

Hope today is better for you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

08-07-05, 21:38
Hi J9 , Pips and Karen

Thanks for your messages..today has been better , thank you.
Thanks for the support.


**Don't believe everything you think .**