View Full Version : Heavy head.....please help....

17-01-09, 19:41
So as iv previously mentioned iv had this headache..but like, the best way i can describe it is having a heavy head..like a weight in my head.....has anybody else ever experienced this??

17-01-09, 19:44
ive had this doctor put it down to tension and anxiety

17-01-09, 20:16
Sounds like tension in your neck. A good massage will help that.

17-01-09, 20:17
yeah i've had this too. first time i phoned nhs 24 and after a very very long chat with a lovely nurse she said it was a classic tension headache

17-01-09, 23:26
hi i am Ce and im a new member.you wouldnt believe how often i had heavy heads,it was that frequent it happened every day and it got me down! i couldnt concentrate or focus prpely and it got me anxiuos all the time.went to dr and he said its definately tension caused by anxiety!!! so i took his advice and went on lofepramine he said it will help with anxiety which in turn will help the heavy heads and i must admit that after 2 days my heavy head has gone and my anxiety is slowly getting better although i had awfull time yesterday but never mind eh.have you been to dr about it? and are you on any meds" for anything?

18-01-09, 00:53

I've also had this problem quite a bit and its usually how my panic attacks start. My neck gets shakey with this and the head feels like its too heavy to support. As already said it is the tension from anxiety.

All the best


18-01-09, 13:15
Yes I have this at the moment and have done for a couple of months and I find it's worse when I've been drinking or very tired.

18-01-09, 17:09
Thank you so much to everybody who replied:)
Iv been to the doctors, because im scared it could be like a brain tumour or something horrible:S And she gave me cocodamol and told me to go back in week if it hadn't gone to be refered to as neurologist..i don't really find the cocodamol to be helping so much, as its not so much an ache just the heaveyness and a sore neck..:S
Its really annoying as i have exams next week and im having a hard time revising for them..urgggg:(
Does anybody reckon that the fact i am constantly thinking about my headache might be making it worse?
Its really getting me down like, im too scared to plan for the future because i don't know if ill make it there..:( xxxx

18-01-09, 17:48
I get this often too, its like this now. Yup very heavy head but that’s mostly tiredness, tension and maybe a bit of eyestrain.:shades:

Also possibly bad posture related to the neck