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View Full Version : coming off diazepam

17-01-09, 23:26
hi my names debbie i am new on here and suffer with ptsd and anxiety i have suffered with this for past year after having a miscarriage sand 2mts after i had an ectopic pregnancy.My condition went undiognosed by my doctors etc.I got to the point where i couldnt sleep or hardly eat anything and worst of all kept thinking i was dying.One night i got so bad and ended up having my first full blown panic attack and ended up in hospital i was in there for a week not knowing what was wrong with me constantly shaking and nodding off in bed and waking back up startled i had nurses etc rushing to my aid and constantley asking me what was on my mind this made me worse because i couldnt think or function let alone know what was on my mind i felt like i was cracking up anyway iwas discharged and told to see my gp the next day i wasnt given anything to calm me and stayed at my moms i freaked my mom out by my behaviour tat she called out the doctor he prescribed diazepam an amitripitylin for me.For the following week or 2 i was calmer and getting out the house but then all of a sudden felt strange.To cut a long story short i was on and off antidepressents but continued to take 5mg diazepam every day that was untill 6ths ago when i reduced the diazepam myself to 4mg then 1mg every day i now want to come off the diazepam as i am still the same as i was before alot calmer but still feeling in a world of my own i dont feel like i have improved so i want to become drug free and try and sort myself out without relying on diazepam i do think that it is the diazepam that is stopping me from feeling and functioning i want to be normal again but am very scared i really need advice and reassurance please from any one who has been on this drug because i dont want to be ill when i do completeley stop taking it.:shrug: :blush:

18-01-09, 16:00
I got off Diazepam after twenty-five years and I was on a lot higher dose than you were - sadly I'm back on it now, but was completely drug free for nearly ten years. You didn't say specifically how quickly you reduced from 4mgs a day to 1. The important thing is to do it VERY slowly and even after you've taken the last one and been without the drug for some time you can continue to experience withdrawal symptoms for quite some time. But if you've gradually cut down, half a milligramme every two to three weeks to get down to taking only 1, you shouldn't have too many problems. But I doubt if 1mg of Diazepam would be causing the symptoms you describe. I can understand you wanting to get off the meds as quickly as possible, but perhaps you are being a little bit over optimistic after all you've been through. Discuss it with your doctor.

18-01-09, 16:17
hi there...
sorry to hear it took you so long to get diasgnosed with your problem..i suffered the same effects over christmas as what your having..iwent to doctor and he gave me 2mg of disapam to be taken three times a day ..this ddint really help at all so i went back and he prescirbied me 10mg citralopram..now the first few days i got heightened anxiety on these tablets so i got prescribed a higher dose of disapam..5mg..so i took them as and when i needed them..now the citralopram has kicked in im gradually finding i dont need to take as many disapam as i previously had been..disapam is great at relieivving symtons short term but you need something long term ..
good luck

18-01-09, 21:19
Hi I have to agree with what BNCfan has already stated. I have been taking diazepam for many years and am now down to 15mg per day.
1mg od diazepam shouldn not be causing you the amount of destress you are describing. I think you should go back to your GP and discuss another recovery plan :hugs: