View Full Version : Floor moving in shop...panic then some success

18-01-09, 00:34

I went to a music shop today and was okay and then I sensed that the floor was moving as there was metal flooring. This then put me on 'Red alert.' Despite wanting to run out of the shop I told myself that the floor did move as it was metal sheeting, as by then the panic had started to rise. It subsided quite quickly once I was back to walking on the concrete floor.

It easily could've become somewhere else that I would've avoided.. so I'm pleased that I got through this. When I'm feeling like this my senses are heightened and the slightest movement underneath sets me off that the room is swaying or is at a 45 degree angle..as I say,I conquered this fear today

Just wanted to share this with you, thanks for reading


Veronica H
18-01-09, 07:22
:yesyes: well done to you. It is not easy to get out of a panic when you are in one like that and to replace a negative thought with a rational one on the spot, so you must be a fighter and I am sure you are on the way to recovery. Have you read 'self help for your nerves' by Dr Claire Weekes? This is available from the NMP shop and I cannot recommend it enough as it really explains what is happening to us and how we can recover.


18-01-09, 10:16
Thanks Veronica, I'm sure I have read this ages ago when I fisrt experienced anxiety so it will be well worth looking at again. I know she says to 'face the fear' and 'let whatever you think will happen, happen...let it come and do its worst'

I think what makes it so draining is that we have to think about situations and prepare for them and have coping strategies where others appear to just not give a second thought and jump right in

Good luck in continuing on the road to recovery


Veronica H
18-01-09, 10:27
:) thanks, best wishes to you too.
