View Full Version : weight loss

18-01-09, 05:26
hi so i have noticed there are a lot of threads about weight loss , individuals have lost weight due to anxitey because they have had a decrease in appetite, but i have lost all this weight which i think began in Nov or Oct without a decr4ease in appetite i seem to eat the same amount but have lost all this weight and am really worried especially since i havnt been exersizing at all, my HA started in mid Oct, could it be that all of my stressing from HA and exams from school have caused the weight loss without decrase in appetite has anyonelse experinced this am i normal!!!!! Also it seems bizarre for me to loose weight this fast becasue ever since i was 13 ( i am 21 now) i have always had alot of exess fat on my hips thighs face breasts ect. no matter how ihard i have tried to get rid of it... now all of a sudden it just left in a matter of months.... can anyone realte???? sorry about the length

18-01-09, 06:41
They say fidgeting burns calories, so I would guess anxiety burns a lot of them. It's a very depleting condition.

18-01-09, 06:54
Anxiety can definitely cause you to lose weight. Muscular tension and faster heart rate than normal burns up calories.

Also, it might be your age. When you are in your teens and still growing you have a lot of growth and sex hormones in your system. This can, among other things, cause 'puppy fat'. As you move out of your teens and into your twenties the growth hormones aren't needed any more and so dry up. That can cause physiological changes like weight loss. This is perfectly normal, just part of the process of maturing.

18-01-09, 12:36
i lost loads of weight (about a stone in 3 weeks) without trying. I went from 9 and a half stone to 8 and a half. My appetite hadnt changed that much so was still eating pretty much what i always did. My ribs were poking through and I looked like s**t to be honest. All put down to anxiety!

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18-01-09, 19:00
hey thanks for allof the replies they have put me at ease...this situation is kind of funny ... a year ago i would of loved the weight loss ...but now with the HA i felt the opposite and it freaked me out...but thanks for the replies i feel better about the situation