View Full Version : Work want to get rid of me and just when....

07-07-05, 21:44
Just when I thought I was starting to feel a bit better and I'm now told from my old boss that they want to get rid of me because of my 7 months off sick. Must say right now I feel totally crap and worthless considering it was work that started all this. So it could be goodbye NHS and a decent job. It never rains but it pours..... [V]

07-07-05, 21:59

This is a difficult one cos I don't think they can just "get rid of you" like that. I would look into that.

I know that I don't get full pay for long-term sick so I was always worried that they would sack me too so I carried on working through the panic etc. I took a month off sick and worked at home and then the odd day or week off but I think cos I showed willing they were very good to me.

Do you think you will be able to go back soon? Can you offer them that ? You know at some point you will have to and 7 months off sick is a long time. I know that you still don't feel ready but you have to face things sometimes and bite the bullet.

If it is a choice of no job and no money then I would chose going back to work. Have you considered this?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

07-07-05, 22:06
Hi Nicola,

Yes I was considering it but right at this moment in time I feel full of panic and dread and feel worse than ever. I am going to see occupational health next Weds about my progress so I'll discuss it with them then.


07-07-05, 22:08

I too felt like that so I sat at work and panic'd - at least I got paid for doing it lol.

Have you not improved atall in 7 months?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

07-07-05, 22:27
Hi Mark

Sorry to hear about this, it's rough on you , huh.
I really hope things will be better for you soon.


**Don't believe everything you think .**

07-07-05, 22:44
Oh yes Nicola, I've been making steady progress over the whole time and I was just getting to the point where I was going to talk about going back on theraputic hours. I am also starting CBT in the next couple of weeks. Now I just feel like heaving my guts out :(


07-07-05, 22:44
Hi Florence and thank you! x

07-07-05, 23:00
Hi Mark,

Two things occur to me - are you a member of the trade union there - maybe they can help you.

Secondly, if it was the work that set off these panic attacks, do you actually want to do the same job? Maybe the NHS could re-deploy you?


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

07-07-05, 23:02
That's what I've been thinking Ray. There is still a lot of upset around the department. I am also going to see about joining the union when I go in on Wednesday.


07-07-05, 23:16
Hi Mark

Hope all goes well with the occupational health meeting. If you can't brave the meeting alone then you can take someone in that works with you whom you trust. Just for moral support. They can't just get rid of you for being on long term sick. Have you photocopied any of your sicknotes or kept a diary of events? If you have any letters from your employer keep them as they can't legally fire you if you have followed policy and procedures. Talk to the OH doctor about a phase back to work.

Feel free to pm me at anytime if you need any help or advice.

Take a look at this website too.
www.disability.gov.uk/dda/ - look at definition of disability.

Take care, chin up


Sue K with 5
08-07-05, 01:02
Good luck Mark!!

I have been in that situation where your job is effected because of your condition and it dampens you spirits and can make you feel like a failure, but you have not failed

Be honest with them and they cannot sack you

Take care

Sue with 5


08-07-05, 09:08
Hi Mark,

I know a bit about workplace issues due to my website www.workplacebullying.com so if you want to chat let me know.

Blue -
"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."

08-07-05, 10:13
I know how u feel my work tried doing the same to me. i was off for 2 months on the sick and when i returned i had a new boss who said that the company that i worked for could pay me off, it upset it me alot conseidering ive been there for 4 years.

that was afew weeks ago and im still there and she hasnt said anything about it since.

it can be a hard job mine i work in a busy petrol station and sometimes on my own and ive had many attacks in there serving customers and no where to hide untill it goes away i had to work through them.

08-07-05, 13:46
Thanks for all of your replies, I will know more next Weds :(


08-07-05, 14:20
soz to hear to bad news last yr i was fired too because they simply couldn't cope

so look in to it they can not do this

08-07-05, 14:23
Hi Mark,

Good luck and I hope it gets sorted out.

I could identify with you saying you were about to suggest theraputic hours and now you feel like heaving. We can do so much when going at our own pace but as soon as we feel pushed to do so, we just feel pressure=tension=anxiety. So much of getting better is about us feeling in control again - it is a shame about the timing of this but dont let it make you waiver from what was your original plan.

You can do it, use your philosophy of baby steps and you will get there - allow no-one to undermine your confidence along the way. Perhaps consider what Ray suggested about a redeployment (is that a word).

Anyway I send you lots of moral support - you are well on the way - like the rest of us you just need reassurance while you rebuild your confidence.

All the very best
Love Piglet

08-07-05, 15:51
Hi Mark,

Sorry to hear that mate. Good luck on Wednesday I do hope it works out for you. Sending you lots of POSITIVE vibes.

Take care all the best.

Love PIP'S X X

08-07-05, 19:37
Good luck with the CBT - that will be a big help.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"