View Full Version : support workers

18-01-09, 12:05
Having worked in mental health for 6yrs I found that many support workers where just doing a job for the money. They had no real understanding of what their clients were going through and in some cases I noticed that they pushed their clients way to far. On the otherside I also seen that many of my own clients were stuck between wanting to get better but at the same time not wanting to get better. By this I mean they had been feeling this way for so long that they had given up hope.

From my time working in mental health I found the best way to be firm but understanding. By understanding I mean asking the clients "what is it they want to achieve" Most said "I want to get better" But did not have a clear understanding of what this involved and that is understandable because of how long they had been feeling this way and also the shabby level of care they had had in the past.

1/ Tell your support worker what you want
2/ Speak up they are there to support you
3/ If your not happy say so, let them know what else thay can do for you
4/ Ask them to get you involved in other groups...Be it art, snooker, cinema, computor!! Whatever yoyr interested in
5/Their job is to support you

A good support worker will take you along to these groups and stay with you until you get to the point you can go along yourself but they will also give continued support.

Dont be afraid to speak up if you feel the level of support is not what you want, it maybe your support worker thinks your happy with everything. If your not then say so.


18-01-09, 21:01
Interesting comments Purplehaze,

My CPN recently suggested that I might benefit from an STR worker but like you said when you have had problems for a long time it isn't easy to know how one may help.

Do STR workers work 9 - 5 type hours or shifts that cover evenings?



19-01-09, 17:38
Hey freaky

In glasgow we worked 9-5 but we also had groups that we ran after hours as well. Your cpn should be able to tie you into a group and a support worker. Many of the mental health teams in your area will have information, so give them a call
