View Full Version : acne due to being anxious ?

tanya 1
18-01-09, 12:49
i was wondering if anybody has any advice on acne due to being anxious or stressed out ? i never had acne in my teens but over the past two years i keep getting periods of having bad acne for a couple of weeks then it goes away then comes back again,so was just wondering if anybody else has the same problem ? or any tips ?
tanya 1 x:)

18-01-09, 15:37
I sympathise with you. Stress and anxiety can be a cause of acne, so my psych told me. Mine got better when I took Seroxat, I guess as I was less stressed. However Effexor seems to be making my skin more greasy (psych says it can't do that, my dermatologist says it can!)!

I take an antibiotic for my acne (as I have an underlying problem apart from 'stress acne'). You can also get topical antibiotics which help. (Of course being less stressed and anxious would help too - but there's no easy cure for that!). Sometimes going on the pill helps especially if you get acne at certain times of the month, or Dianette, which is a pill too but used mainly for acne. So it's worth chatting to your doctor to see if they can help.

Hope that helps.
