View Full Version : Constantly Worried

18-01-09, 18:05
hi my name is martin and about a few week ago i started to feel really dizzy and lightheaded and it has triggered off really bad panic attacks,i used to have panic attacks about 4 years ago but managed to get over them and but now i feel im back where i started, but this time the panic attacks seem much worse to the point where i am jumping up and down screaming im going to die i have to let my mum feel my heart beacuse i think it is going to stop beating,i went to the doctors and they gave me 2MG diazepam which i know is a low dose but they should still work and they have now stopped working,this is constantly scaring me and i am convinced that i have something serious wrong with me i was checked out by three diffrent doctors over the past week and they have all said that everything is fine but it still cant get the thought out of my head that i am going to die,i am now having panic attacks between 5 and 6 times a day,waking up at 6:00 in a morning having to wake up my parents becuase i am scared to be on my own and i think i am going to die,have even had too temporarily move back to my parents house would like some advice please,i just dont want to feel this way anymore,thanx

18-01-09, 23:04
Hi Martin, i cant give you any advice im afraid but i want you to know that reading what you have just said sounded like me a few years back. I was also convinced i was going to die and for a long long time my parents didnt have much of a life as i wouldnt let them out of the house for fear of me being alone. The only peace my body would get was when i was sleeping. I seen many doctors and even had a Psychiatrist to my home. My doctor then prescribed my Sertraline and Fluanaxol and slowly i became much better. I swore for a long time these tablets saved my life. I had never felt so relaxed in years, they didnt make drowsy and zombified. Have you tried CBT? I had it a few years ago and i was a new person but it doesnt last long and my GP wont refer me again:shrug:

19-01-09, 11:52
thankyou for your reply to my post,have been to doctors today and blood tests have come back clear but i still feel the same have just had a really bad panic attack keep thinking my heart is going to stop the doctor has given me 14 more diazepam and put me on citalopram, thanx

19-01-09, 13:05
Nothing really to add Martin, only to reassure you that you are not on your own in this. Those of us who have experienced the horrors of panic attacks understand the true impact they have. Give the Citalopram a few weeks to settle in, they helped me enormously. I still have panic attacks, but less frequently and less severely - my main issue now is the constant anxiety. I have been referred for assessment by the Community Mental Health Team in the hope that I will be recommended for CBT.

Things will get better in time.

Best wishes


19-01-09, 13:18
Hi Martin!

It was creepy for me to read your post as I recognized my own symptoms from your description!:scared15:

7 years ago, when I had my first panic attack, I felt as if I was going to die. I was in a car with my parents when I suddenly felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin as I felt so disoriented and spaced out. I started screaming, my heart was racing and my dad had to pull over. Once I got out of the car I started running up and down the road because I kept feeling like I had to escape somewhere, do something! My parents were so scared they insisted I went to the hospital. I had a MRI done and it proved ok (thank goodness!), had my blood checked and visited 3 doctors who assured me there was nothing (pysically) wrong with me.
This, however, did not make things any better for me.... Looking back, I guess I could describe my days as "one big panic attack". I would get so many attacks during the day that I felt like I couldn't cope any more. The panic attacks were so violent and I felt so desperate.
After some time, I finally seeked professional help and was put on Xanax and Zoloft. My therapist then put me on Sulpirid, Melleril and Lekotam. By the time I was 16 I had already been put on so many drugs just so I can function normally and finish high school.

I still have some bad days, but my situation has dramatically improved and I feel so much better now, I almost feal completely healthy! I never thought my panic attacks would go away, but they have (well, partially, but still).

Keep on fighting, believe that you'll get better because you will, trust me :winks:

:hugs: Ana

19-01-09, 13:56
thankyou for your reply,its good to read that people do eventually get better cause i feel at the moment that i never will,thanx alot martin

19-01-09, 15:36
Dear Martin - reading your message reminds me of how I feel now. Like you, I do not want to be alone and have become quite paranoid by following my husband around etc. Probably 2-3 times a day at present I suddently feel a wave of panic out of the blue. I need at that point to simply 'run' or do anything to stop it! I have just started Citalopram and to be honest, do not yet feel any relief. In the past, I have found the more I learn about something, the less frightening it seems - maybe go to the library to read up on this subject or keep talking about your fears etc. Keep in touch - I will let you know how I manage and look forward to hearing how you get on also


worried worrier
19-01-09, 16:26
Hi Martin

I can relate to how your feeling mate , I have been struggling with anxiety disorder for months now , I have come across some great sites that have helped me move forward . I was told this site had other men just like me that I could talk too . Its hard to find people who are brave enough to admit to having a problem , so for that I salute you .


19-01-09, 16:47
hi gavin, are u on any medication i have been to doctors again today and hes has given me 14 diazepam and some citalopram its helping me talking on this site becuase im having 5-6 panic attacks a day and i am constantly worried that im going to die,do u have msn mabye we could have a chat.martin

worried worrier
19-01-09, 17:25

I was on medication yea , it did help a lot . Eventually with the help of others I learnt to use alternative methods to take control of my panic attacks . My anxiety is still there in the background most days and I know I still have some way to go but with support of others and the great sites I have found I have a much more brighter looking future.

Sorry I dont do msn , my son has it but it baffles me


19-01-09, 19:51

I can relate to your post. i have been like that and still occasionally am

I took citalopram and they did work for me.

Im on stertaline now cause the panic came back 8 months ago worse than ever and citalopram didnt help me this time

Im also having counselling.

love mandie