View Full Version : Here we go again

18-01-09, 19:08
I can not believe that the last time I was on this site was in Feb 2008. I have been great and nearly forgotten all about panic attacks, palpitations, feeling sick...... And then I woke up yesterday BANG! - I have had a very stressfull week at work... the girl I job share with was given the sack - so I had to up my two days that I can cope with to 4 days (two of those are an hour longer than I normally do) and I can not cope with it, and have to go through it all again this week, plus I have had to answer loads of questions sent by my accountant today - basically because she was to lazy to do the work earlier, so that is stressing me more. I know that stress brings on the panic attack.. I can feel the adrenaline increasing in my body and feel the effect it has on my legs (they go like jelly but I have to keep moving them) My spine tingles and feels sort of cold. My hear races, i forget to breathe and then go into a panic over that, I can not sleep incase I do not wake up!- so I keep waking up sometimes nearly choking... I know you have read it all before- but I just needed to get it out amongst people who know I am not being stupid -I just want it to go. My next question is do I go through it alone or run to the Dr.? _ because I have no little pills to pop that would kid me into thinking they were helping!:shrug:

Vanilla Sky
18-01-09, 23:42
Its anxiety clarissa, caused by the sress you've had and you are experiencing the symptoms even more coz you've been here before. I think all of us who had or have anxiety will get some kind of warning that we are stressed and that can only be a good thing right? Listen to your body take time out to get everything into prespective. Give yourself a week and if you dont feel any better then contact your gp but i bet by the time you go for your appointment youl be feeling ok its a blip hon wish you well love paige x