View Full Version : blood pressure in head.

18-01-09, 19:27
i have had high blood pressure, it is now controlled with meds, and is okay.
lately i have had a lot of headaches, but i can also feel my blood pressure/pulse in my head. does any one else get this at all.
ive had health anxiety for a few years now, have worked on it, but for the last 3 months its come back. now im having a heart attack, or will need a heart bypass at the least, the headaches are a tumour or an anurysm and the rest!!

any thoughts


18-01-09, 20:43

I have a feeling like i can feel EVERYTHING in my head, when i bend down, i feel like my head it so heavy as all the blood puts pressure on my brain, i often feel/hear the pulse in my head, particularly when i go to bed...very annoying when very tired and trying to sleep!

Try not to worry, have you had your blood pressure checked by GP and have they said anything re: these feelings?

Hugs Cassi xxx

11-03-09, 12:32
Yes I worry about my blood pressure an awful lot as well. it is hard when you have health anxiety becuase you seem to always look at the negative in what the doctor says etc.

I found this on the bbc health website, its a bit old but hopefully you'll see the relevance and it will help you.


Take care,
James Moore

11-03-09, 19:16
It is called tinnitus and can be caused by many things. I have it also. It causes a pulsing heartbeat sound in my head when i lie my ear against a pillow and a constant high pitched ringing in my ears x