View Full Version : Help!! Hedious indigestion

18-01-09, 20:34
Any quick cures for heartburn?

Im in so much pain, burning in centre of my chest right through to my back! :o(

18-01-09, 20:58
If you have baking soda handy, look on the box from that. It usually gives instructions for mixing a "potion" to eliminate indigestion - I believe it's a small glass of water (8oz.) with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Tastes gross, but works within minutes! And it will make you burp like a champ!

18-01-09, 21:23
geddy does it happen a lot?

18-01-09, 21:30
No it seems to only happen when i have been particularly anxious!

Had huge shock yesterday...my son had a motorbike crash. The indigestion kicked in late last night, and was gone until early this evening and then it came back!!!

Just been for brisk walk around the bloke and touch wood it seems to have helped!!!

I hope!!!!

18-01-09, 21:42
Well i'm sure your fine, i have had associated digestion symptoms for about 2 yrs, so followed it up when it got real gastric, i was told by the doc i haven't got a raging ulcer, however now i am on acid reducing talets daily, which is quite normal, but because of their lack of looking further i am having a private consultation tomorrow, just to be ultra safe.

My point is thgh don't just leave it if it gets worse, mine certainly gets bad when i am more anxious - the point i was getting at - any gastric complaint is easily treatable nowadays with drugs in the main, i'm just being 100% satisfied that my symptoms are not to worry too uch about - a typical health anxious scenario.

Oh and cold milk - an anti-acid does it for me.:shades:

18-01-09, 21:51
my brisk walk was as much to stop me fraking as to try and bring the wind up !!

18-01-09, 21:54
geddy i hate milk - but i'd challenge you to not burp louder than a whino after downing a pint.... ;-)

18-01-09, 21:58
if ony i could burp!!

Because as soon a i do the relief is instant!!!!

18-01-09, 23:35
Ask your doctor to prescribe omeprazole - they are brilliant for acid reflux, indigestion and heartburn.:yesyes:

19-01-09, 00:16
Did you try the baking soda?? It will really make you burp EVERYTHING out! Milk has actually been proven to only be a very temporary relief from heartburn. My husband takes a drug called Zegerid - it's a combination of omeprazole and baking soda. Omeprazole itself does nothing for him, but the baking soda is what does the trick! Give it a try! It's not a drug - you would normally eat it in your foods, so if you're worrying about it, don't! It's like eating a spice! I've tried it myself....you'll feel better in about 3 minutes!

19-01-09, 12:14
I have been to the docs and have been prescribed a months course of Tagamet!
So lets hope it nips it all in the bud! Scared to eat......i wanted to lose weight but at same time its not good being scared to eat! :o(