View Full Version : really really worried and freaking out

18-01-09, 22:37
Im really panicing right now, im so worried about my dad, he has had pain in his upper back and lower tummy and it keeps moving around to diff parts of his body. he told me he had brown urine and it was worse friday and a bit less now but i've been freaking out and panicing since i found out, im convinced he has cancer and will die, hes all i have left please please can anyone tell me if it could be something else, im always worried about losing him as he had me late in life and hes 66 now, theres no family history of kidney cancer or any cancer but im so worried. i cant sleep, eat and cant stop crying. he hasnt lost any wieght and isnt pale, he thinks it could be something he ate but im so worried. i just want to know if it could be something else to rest my mind a bit. please help

18-01-09, 23:05
Your dad could have something as simple as a kidney infection. He does need to see a Dr to rule out anything else - he may have jaundice as that causes brown urine and usually grey poo which can be caused by all sorts of things like a gallstone that is easily sorted.

You would be right to insist he sees a Dr but at this stage it could be something easily treated. I know exactly how you feel and would be panicking exactly the same but all I can offer in advice is make sure he gets to a Dr and then you can find out what is causing it.

18-01-09, 23:27
Urine /kidney infection causes pain and strong, dark urine, but he should go to his Dr and have it treated. I understand how worried you are, but the only advice I can give you is the same as the above post.

18-01-09, 23:37
Just to reiterate what the other posters have said. The only thing to do is to get your dad to go to the doctor. It could well be simple kidney infection which is easily treated.

18-01-09, 23:45
It could also be kidney stones. Sometimes they irritate the bladder and that can cause the dark urine. Try not too worry too much.

19-01-09, 00:12
My sister is going through the exact same thing right now. She's been very sickly for over 2 months now. She went to the ER because her periods were extremely painful and heavy (sorry, TMI :blush: ) and she had terrible debilitating headaches and vomiting. When the hospital ran her bloodwork, they found that she had an extremely high calcium level and blood in her urine. I thought for sure that she had some kind of terrible disease. So they did further testing that involved a kidney ultrasound and a bladder scope. Everything came out normal, so they are planning to re-check her urine in 4 months to see if there is still blood in it. They think that she may just be one of those people that has blood in their urine!

Moral of the story is.....have him get to a doctor ASAP. If something is wrong (which most likely won't require anything more than antibiotics), it can be treated. And then there's always the possibility that there's nothing wrong, but at least he would have it checked out! You're HA is making you assume the worst and the chances of it being something serious are slim to none. Just do your job - make sure he sees his doctor and everything will be fine. :hugs:

19-01-09, 13:29
ive pm'd u matey xxx