View Full Version : antihistamines

08-07-05, 08:16
Well i hope this is the right place to put this. as some of u know i have had anxiety for 5 years and a phobia of dizziness for the past 2. i have been to many doctors taken many meds but nothing has helped. I have just started a course of CBT and i am also useing a motivation CD. well yesterday somethig clicked i have been taking Clarityn for the pasy 7 years i take them for a skin condition, well at 1 time i would get them from the docs but over the years have got them from the internet as they r cheaper so i have not been under any supervision. for the first few years i was on 10mg a day but for the past 3 years i have cut down to 5mg. well let me get to the point LOL. I have been doing some research and was amazed at what i found. on the poss side effects (thay do not put these on the bit of paper u get in the box)
Dizziness, Anxiety, fast hart beat, nervousness, well thats me in a nut shell. so i have decided to put up with my skin prob and come of the pills. so as from 2day no more antihistamines for me. will keep u updated. sorry for the very long post.

Love & Light
Sam x :D

08-07-05, 11:21
Hi Sam,
I hope that cutting out the tablets will help you with your anxiety.
Good luck Hun,
Take care,

08-07-05, 16:14
It's amazing hey sam what we find when we read that bit of white paper. I always frighten myself [:O] stupid after I read possible side effects.

I do hope it helps you coming of them hun.

Take Care,;)

Love PIP'S X X

08-07-05, 18:15
thanks pips well i can but only try.

Love & Light
