View Full Version : Terrified of Getting Scabies

18-01-09, 22:51
Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted in awhile and I've been doing pretty well with my HA (fear of a brain tumor, ALS) but I have recently been freaking out about the possibility of getting scabies. I work with small children and in the winter I tend to get dry skin, and it seems every winter I go through a horrible week or two where I'm sure I have somehow contracted scabies. It really freaks me out! When I think about it I start itching all over and can't sleep for fear of having it. This seems like a pretty petty fear compared to everyone fearing something fatal, but it affects me just as badly as when I think I have something far more serious. Any help at all would be appreciated to get me through the winter!

18-01-09, 23:30
My mum used to be a nurse in a nursing home. One year they had an outbreak of scabies and she picked it up. Everyone in the family had to have a course of insecticide treatment. Her scabies cleared up really quickly; none of the rest of us got it.

It's really simple to get rid of these days. I know it's a creepy thing to think about having, but it's no worse when you think about it than fleas or worms or any other parasite. Parasites love us and they're just a fact of life!

It's very unlikely that you will get it but if you do you'll be rid of it again in a few days.

19-01-09, 14:29
hi janinel -- i actually just googled scabies (a no-no i know) but i wasn't sure what they are. anyway, while scabies don't sound pleasant, they aren't anything life-threatening either. sounds to me like you just need to keep yourself and your belongings clean to prevent them. for example, if you hang your coat next to someone you think has or has had scabies, wash your coat in hot water and that should take care of it. if you happen to get scabies, they are easily treated with creams and some meds from your doctor. try not to worry about it (easier said than done). i don't think you're gonna get scabies, but if you do YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT AND YOU WILL BE FINE. I KNOW IT!!! TAKE CARE MY FRIEND AND TRY NOT TO WORRY!!!! :hugs:

04-02-09, 05:45
Thanks guys. I don't know why this particular thing freaks me out so much, but it seems to happen every year. Thanks for the reassurance.