View Full Version : Light headedness

19-01-09, 00:59
Please help, i have posted before about this, and have been told that i may have depersonalization/derealization. What worries me is that it seems to go on all day, that horrible sensation of feeling spaced out, and a bit light headeded!! Can it last like this, it has been going on for a at least 10 days. I have HA as well and that doesn't help as i am always telling myself i have a brain tumour!! its making me ill with worry :(

19-01-09, 09:08
I had this for weeks babe, but I have now realised that the more I dwell on a symptom, the longer it stays.
It is horrible, but I am sure it will pass, as mine did. I still get it now and then, but not with the same severity. Accepting these symptoms and distracting yourself from a negative thought process really helped me.

19-01-09, 19:06
Mine has been here for almost 2 months:(

19-01-09, 22:17
Thanks for your advice : )