View Full Version : ok i just duno what to think anymore (lift sided weakness?)

19-01-09, 12:21
ive been docs had all ma blood tests and ecgs ect and im stil not right! i stil get breathless and no energy, constantly tired i have had cold symptoms for months! i have neck pains and chest pains, stomache pains!
its just one thing after another..

anyways this left sided weakness.. well i always have pain at one side ive noticed =/
i have headaches,eye ache, neck pain, chest pain, arm pain, side pain, leg pain all at the same side? im worried.. duno what to do
anyone else have this?
or is it all in my head
would the blood tests of picked it up if it was that?


jo x

19-01-09, 12:42
Hey babe,
Welcome to the club!
Im guessing the doctor hasn't diagnosed anything specific yet, like anxiety or panic disorder??
Its really hard to cope with so many different symptoms, I know, I have been at the very worst of this condition! I am now almost free of most of the symptoms, bar the tummy stuff and the odd shaking episode in the morning.
I can only say.....if the symptoms you have are due to anxiety, they will go away in time and with a little help from you. Don't fight them, accept them and read Claire Weekes!!!! She is brilliant!!


19-01-09, 12:48
hey, the doc has said some of my symptoms are anxiety but ya know not all! i dunno what to think anymore
i just want to get the bottom of everything.. i wana see a really good doctor who can do a FULL check on EVERYTHING! then hopefully they might go