View Full Version : Awful weekend:-(

19-01-09, 12:40
Had an awful weekend, I know its just normal when having little kids but I am truely fed up.

My children have all had coughs on and off now for 6 weeks and they got worse over the weekend, all 3 were up in the night friday so saturday I was like a zombie and felt yuk all day, hardly ate a thing. Yesterday I woke up with awful pain up my right nostril, I had seen ENT wednesday and he said its an infection up there but now ive started with a cold and its just up that nostril so im all bunged up and in pain. I only had sinusitis last week (on left side) following a cold so im only just over that and i felt so ill with it, gutted this is likely to happen again, I always end up with sinusitis with a cold:blush: so thats getting me down.

I then had awful stomach pains yesterday and had diorrheoa last night, felt awful and today I can't seem to eat so not sure if its IBS or a bug.

Feeling fed up. Really worrying I will end up with a nasty bout of sinusitis again like last month, it took me weeks to get over it and now this but on the oposite side. I haven't eaten all weekend really just abit of food yesterday at the christening we went to so I am feeling weak and very tired.

Sorry just feeling low, I know this is normal when you have young children but I am jsut so fed up, I catch every cough and cold off the kids and always end up with something like sinusitis or nostril infection where as hubby just has a slight cold and gets over it quickly. My kids have had ear infections, flu type virus and coughs since end of November and ive had enough. Rant over!:weep:

19-01-09, 12:43
My weekend was crap too!!

My eldest son was knocked off his motorbike! I got a call on my mobile from his number, answere and heard a strangers voice telling my son was in an acciddent and the police and ambulance were on there way and could i get to the scene ASAP!!! HORROR complete Horror !!!

Luckily he is ok, but as a result my anxiety has gone loopy! And my stomach is causing me HUGE problems! :o(

19-01-09, 13:16
Oh you poor thing, how awful. Glad he is ok though.

19-01-09, 14:19
geddy -- sorry to hear you are feeling so unwell. unfortunately, it's cold and flu season, so i guess feeling crummy is to be expected. sounds to me like you just need to eat and get some rest. you said you went to the doctor. did he give you anything for the sinus issues? if so, be sure to take all of the meds as directed. if not, have you tried over the counter stuff? also, try taking a steamy shower. that will help loosen all the gunk up in your head and help it drain. just try to take it easy the next couple days. (i know that's easier said than done with kiddies in the house.) maybe you could get a sitter for a couple days, just to give you a little break. or send the kids to a relative's/friend's house for a few hours. i really think you just need some time for yourself. feel better!!!! :flowers:

19-01-09, 14:20
sorry, my last reply was to libby... thanks!

19-01-09, 15:44

I had 500mg of antibiotics for a week when I last had a sinus infection in december but this has only just flared up, I guess it is a cold and the nasal infection that ENT diagnosed last week.

I really do feel like I need a rest, my mum has said she may pop in tomorrow for a few hours so that might help abit.

19-01-09, 18:44
Hi Libby

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time, it is never easy when you have the kids ill. I hope your sinus problem clears up soon, I know how horrible it is because I have had trouble with this for nearly 6 months, it clears then it comes back and it is driving me mad. Hope you have a good rest when your Mum comes and hope you feel better soon.

Carol x

19-01-09, 19:14
Thank you Carol, its awful isn't it.

19-01-09, 19:14
Quick Q, can a cold just affect one nostril or is it more than likely I have sinusitis again?:-(

19-01-09, 22:35
I have read that a cold usually only blocks up one nostril as its natures way of stopping us suffocating if our mouths were blocked:) it was written by a Dr so assume it is true and for me I have only every had one side of my nose running or blocked at a time - I have had it then change sides and the original blocked side suddenly clears.

I had terrible virus over xmas with no voice - evil cough ( viral tracheitis) and my nose ran on one side for 7 days and the pain in my sinuses was dreadful especially around my eyes. I was just beginning to wonder if I had a sinus problem when it improved alot so give it a few days.

20-01-09, 09:32
Thanks countrygirl did you need antibiotics?

I am seeing my GP this morning for something for my nose, its so painful. I have chronic sinusitis but only mildly but it does cause me to have infections with every cold.

20-01-09, 13:51
Ended up at GP today, ive sinusitis again but on the oposite side. 2 weeks of anti bs and he said I should be as right as rain.

Won't 2 lots of anti bs so close together be really bad for me? I will become immune to them soon im sure:D