View Full Version : Anxiety over possessions

19-01-09, 13:13
Can anybody give me advice on anxiety/ocd over like clothes/music/phones.

I have been in extreme anxiety for days over buying a new phone in the fear it's not man enough. I just can't get it out my head and my HOCD has linked it and I am checking my down below and getting weird feelings.

I am not sure how to fight this? Is the key to face the anxiety and keep the phone or is it best to relieve the anxiety and return it? I OCD'd over two jumpers I bought the other day as I felt they looked cheap so they had to go back to the shop.

I feel this is really bad controlling me now. When something causes anxiety do you fight it? and keep worrying or do you avoid it?

My head is messed with worries which have got more intense. It started with a mild worry, then I started checking myself for symptoms and it's got so bad now I can hardly bear being round anybody of the same sex due to high anxiety. I end up going red/getting very tense and I then worry people will notice and I think they do so they won't think I'm into woman.

I'm soo scared by it. I am into woman and only ever have been but my mind is putting all this horrible anxiety on me. A small part of me says yes it is only a phone, it is only a song, it is only a film but I use to be more relaxed now I feel I have to prove to myself I am straight.

I feel the anxiety and OCD I have suffered is worse than some of what I have read on here? surely it can't get this bad? My confidence just seems knocked I have been taking driving lessons in the hope to take my mind off things and think positive but it's just soo difficult I have soo much stress at the moment.

I just don't know what is happening anymore. :weep: