View Full Version : Help me not Google!!

19-01-09, 14:23
I worry about everything, especially my health. Everyday I feel like I have some new disease and my good life will come crashing down. I feel like I am scared all the time. I try so hard not to google my symptoms. I NEED your help now so that I can avoid a full blown panic attack. About a month ago I noticed a light brown mole on my back. It is not so much a mole as it looks like a scab from a scrape. It is less than .5 cm in diammeter. It has a firmer feel to it than other moles on my body. For the last month I have been monitoring it. It doesn't appear to be growing BUT it is not going away either. Of course I think about it all the time and therefore I am sure I can "feel" it. Before I go out and google skin cancer prognosis and survival rates and scare myself can someone just tell me that skin cancer is no big deal and even if I this sore is cancer that doctors can handle this easily? I have scheduled an appointment but I have to wait a couple of days. Anyone please help me out here. THANKS

19-01-09, 14:30
PLEASE DON'T GOOGLE!!!! I did it over the weekend and it ruined my whole weekend!

It is extremely unlikely that your mole is skin cancer! Everybody has moles, some people more than others. If you are concerned about it, you can go see a dermatologist and they can remove it for you. They automatically test it for cancer, but the doc can usually tell just by looking at it if it looks suspicious. My mom had a mole removed several years ago and the doc told her that anytime they remove a mole, they check it for cancer. Hers was in a spot where her clothes were constantly rubbing against it and that used to make the mole bleed and scab. But it was just a mole - no cancer.

So please relax and DON'T GOOGLE!!! If it's bothering you, have a dermatologist remove it. It's very simple and is done right at the doctor's office. Most moles, however, don't need to be removed unless you are bothered by them.

19-01-09, 14:34
I had the same thing, many of them. I noticed one a few months ago on my back and was scared because I couldn't see the configuration of it easily. I kept using 2 mirrors and also freaking out. I made an apppointment with a dermatologist and they said there was nothing for a month. I said please, I am scared it's cancer. They got me in the next day, I had a biopsy and it was seborrheic keratosis. Extremely common...every time I have had a briown spot biopsied, that's what it was. However, let's all be careful of the sun because even if you are a sun worshipper at 20, it can show itself at 60 or older as skin cancer. Please don't worry, you are doing the right thing by getting it checked out but also know that even if it is skin cancer, it is very treatable. What you are describing does NOT sound like melanoma and anything less than that can be fixed.

19-01-09, 17:19
I googled, I couldn't help it and now I am terrified. I am 37 and I am already imagining my demise due to this growth on my back. Anyone that has experience with skin cancer can you tell me how quickly melanoma spreads? I couldn't get a doctor's appt. until a week from today so I am very very worried. Any info about things to look for to rule out melanoma would be great. Any stats telling me I have great survival rate if this is melanoma would be great. Basically I am looking for facts without doing a web search since I already did that and I have one foot out the door mentally heading for the ER with a panic attack. Anything at all to ease my mind. PLEASE.


19-01-09, 18:02
Hi, My dad had melanoma and it was clear to see that it was something sinister. It looked like a big splat of ink with lots of little splats around the edges. It was bigger than a 5p and smaller than a 10p but was all black and red and looked horrible.
I am covered in moles and understand how scary it must be for you as I am constantly checking myself for any changes and anything that looks sinister. Googling is not a good thing to do - as we all focus on the really bad symptoms and forget that our symptoms could equally be something else. I am not a qualified person in the medical industry - but I can remember what the dermatologist told me when I went to have a mole looked at - it might help you....
* is your mole bigger than a blunt end of a pencil
* Has it suddenly grown
* Is it varied in colour - not as in different shades of brown, but black / red etc
* Does it itch / Bleed
* Do you have history of skin cancer in your family
* Are you fair skinned and been over exposed to the sun?

These are the things which are warning signs and symptoms. HOWEVER, my Dad has his mole removed, then went back to have more tissue taken away - was left with a 10cm scar and then had his melanoma come back. After having all his lymph nodes removed and regular checks at a London hospital - he has been given a good bill of health - it's been about 4 years. So, even when you are looking at something sinister - it's not all bad.

I hope this helps
Take care

19-01-09, 18:50
I googled, I couldn't help it and now I am terrified. I am 37 and I am already imagining my demise due to this growth on my back. Anyone that has experience with skin cancer can you tell me how quickly melanoma spreads? I couldn't get a doctor's appt. until a week from today so I am very very worried. Any info about things to look for to rule out melanoma would be great. Any stats telling me I have great survival rate if this is melanoma would be great. Basically I am looking for facts without doing a web search since I already did that and I have one foot out the door mentally heading for the ER with a panic attack. Anything at all to ease my mind. PLEASE.


I truely understand the so called "need" to google,,,i do it often but it really does make things worse.
My brother had melanoma and it was Very Obvious that there was something wrong, He didn't get it checked until it was Huge and black and seeping gook, yuck. The dr said its 100% curable caught at an early stage. Everything will be fine:hugs:

19-01-09, 21:11
So I couldn't wait and went to a local walk in clinic. (thank God for good health insurance). The doctor said that I should have it removed but was confident that it was probably not something too nefarious. I have an appt to have it removed in a week. My anxiety level is better now and in no small part to you guys. I would still appreciate and insights to what melanoma looks like and how fast it spreads. I will also try to remember that Google is bad for me.


19-01-09, 21:42
Glad you have taken some action which will set your mind at rest. Can't add much to all the sensible posts you have already received except to say that I have made myself so ill so many times that I try NEVER to google, and this great site helps in that resolve....so desist and this time next week you shuld be fine. Take care