View Full Version : if anyone has msn would really appreciate talking to some people about expriences plz

19-01-09, 16:25
would like some people to talk to on msn please if anyone would, would like to hear other peoples feelings and try and relate to them my msn adress is ukmanmartineyre@hotmail.com

19-01-09, 16:29
hiya, i suffer from health anxiety well general anxiety really, my msn is buttonsj@hotmail.co.uk, i will add you later, look forward to speakin to you.

19-01-09, 16:46
At the risk of sounding evasive (and I don't mean to be as I can talk till the cows come home), it depends what you want to chat about.

I'm a late nighter and often online all hours. Quite happy to chat to anyone I can help or just pass the time with - is there anything in particular (no details, just topics), then I'll know if I'll actually be of use rather than a hinderance :)


19-01-09, 17:02

Sorry to jump in on your posts guys but would appreciate you reading the following thread......


Kind regards


19-01-09, 17:43
NP Bottleblond, and *everyone* should be vigilant.

Both my MSN and AIM contain no personal data. I also use a program called Pidgin instead of MSN. Its free and allows a higher degree of screening. Its freeware and virus free (and will always remain so as its in the public domain). If this is advertising, I'll remove immediately (hence no link).

I agree totally with the referenced post. As I recall it was posted for a reason - namely to protect members.

Its not taboo to swap MSN details, as I have several NMP members on my MSN list. However you should always consider you safety first and PM's are certainly a better way to establish chat.


19-01-09, 17:48
I have just added you, look forward to talking later.

C x

19-01-09, 17:57
i'll add you! :) x