View Full Version : Travelling on the motorway

08-07-05, 14:49
I'm supposed to be travelling on the motorway today on a 2hour journey and I am absolutely scared to death at the moment. I'm not driving, my partner is but I'm so scared of having a PA. I saw my counsellor today and he said I should go and face the fear and realise that the panic is the worst that can happen and I wont die and it will eventually go but I still am scared. I had a panic attack a couple of months ago on the motorway and ended up drinking a substantial amount of brandy(we were given as a gift that weekend) to calm me down. I wasn't driving by the way!
Panic attacks are really annoying. I'm frustrated and get down about the fact they are ruling my life. I keep putting things off and not seeing friends. I'm in needs of some positive vibes!!!:)
Sorry this is long - just needed to get this off my chest!

08-07-05, 14:59
Hi J9...

I know its hard but try and stay positive. Pack a bag fulll of distractions which you can take with you - make sure you take a bottle of water also as i find sipping this always helps.

This link may help you with some ideas of what you could take...

What would be in your 'Anxiety Toolbox'? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3938)

I will be sedning you postive thoughts and i really hope things go well, and im sure they will.

Let us know how you get on.

Tatty B xx

08-07-05, 15:06
Hi J9,

Your counsellor is right.

Keep distracted as Tatty says and keep reminding yourself that you are fine.

Hope all goes well today


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

08-07-05, 17:36
Hope it goes well :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

08-07-05, 19:29

Have you been and come back by now?

How did it go etc?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

10-07-05, 16:17
I find this to i live in Ipswich and have to go in a car to Witham so i go on the busy A12 every day. I get so nervous if there is an accident on the road or there is slow moving traffic and we are queing in traffic i get scared and start panicing that i can't escape from what is happening. Its awfull this causes me to feel nervous all the time bout gettin them