View Full Version : Please Help

19-01-09, 20:56
I'm hoping this is just my anxiety, but i have a really bad tingiling feeling down my left arm and sometime shooting pains....... been like this for about an hour now. I'm trying to be rational and think it just my anxiety but panicing thinkin is it a heart attack. Please someone help me


19-01-09, 21:14
hi i've had this for a few days on and off and is so much worse when you think about it. I too thought i was having a heart attack and convinced myself that i had indigestion too!!! I would say it was definately anxiety, i always get a funny tingling, weird fizzing sensations up my arms and legs when i panic!!!! You're fine, take your mind off it x x x

19-01-09, 22:16
I get this too. Sometimes whole arm or leg, sometimes just parts. I try to take 10 deep breaths and relax my entire body. This doesn't make things immediately better but it seems to help. Obviously I don't know your age and health status but unless you are high risk for heart attack I would chalk it up to anxiety and stay away from searching the net. Good luck
